how do i set to manually choose how to fix a registry issue found through a scan?
Hi Yitz, and welcome to the forum.
Follow the CCleaner dialogue after scanning the registry, and after choosing to make a backup (which I hope you do), then you have the choice of "Fix All Selected Issues", or "Fix Issue", one at a time. You can skip through them using the buttons shown in the screenshot.
Additionaly to Dennis's post. After scanning for issues you can right click each item found and select 'Open in Regedit' where you can either modify or delete the key/value.
I have just made this animated flash demo about the registry cleaning:
Hope this helps
Very nice! A visual walk thru such as that is very helpful.
Very nice.I have just made this animated flash demo about the registry cleaning:
Hope this helps
Just as an add-on question concerning the registry........if I run CCleaner once on the registry and select to fix all, after "fixing" all entries I run it again and the same entries show up to be fixed again.
Any idea why? I'm sure this has been answered before and if so then please forgive the question but it does warrant curiosity.
in addition,is there a way to ignore an entry that CCleaner finds during the registry scan?
i have zone alarm firewall and CCleaner always finds this one particular entry for zone alarm-i delete it and next scan it is back.
a suggestion: right click>ignore this entry (or the abiltity to add it to a white list so it'll not show during subsequent future scans).
Just as an add-on question concerning the registry........if I run CCleaner once on the registry and select to fix all, after "fixing" all entries I run it again and the same entries show up to be fixed again.Any idea why? I'm sure this has been answered before and if so then please forgive the question but it does warrant curiosity.
Hi Rageq3a, and welcome to the forum,
Have a look here, it may fix your problem.
in addition,is there a way to ignore an entry that CCleaner finds during the registry scan?i have zone alarm firewall and CCleaner always finds this one particular entry for zone alarm-i delete it and next scan it is back.
a suggestion: right click>ignore this entry (or the abiltity to add it to a white list so it'll not show during subsequent future scans).
Hi mike, welcome to the forum also.
I don't have Zone Alarm, but you can exclude a registry item from being cleaned by first copying the key by going to Start/Run enter "regedit" (without the quotes). Navigate to the reg entry in question, right click on the folder in the left pane, and select "copy key name".
Then go to CCleaner/Options/Exclude/Add Registry, and paste the key name into the window. Make sure you select the right "hive" address in the small box, HKCR or whatever it is, and then delete the hive name from the start of the pasted address in the long window, as this is already set in the small one.
If you do this correctly the "OK" box will become active. Hit OK.
Sorry that seems such a long winded way to do it, but once it's done it's done, until something much easy is introduced into CCleaner.
Hope that helps.
I have just made this animated flash demo about the registry cleaning:
Hope this helps
Almost forgot, nice job. Are you making a sequel? Maybe "The Registry Part II, restore an entry" I have a feeling that one could be nominated for an award.
i'd added loads of files and folders to include when scanning for junk.Hope that helps.
i saw you could also add a registry entry to exclude.just wasn't sure how to go about it.
so many thanks.
Hi Yitz, and welcome to the forum.
Follow the CCleaner dialogue after scanning the registry, and after choosing to make a backup (which I hope you do), then you have the choice of "Fix All Selected Issues", or "Fix Issue", one at a time. You can skip through them using the buttons shown in the screenshot.
ty for responding. I dont create backup, so i guess that's why i never saw it. I don't create a backup b/c if everytime i did so, it would take up so much memory, any suggestions?
ty for responding. I dont create backup, so i guess that's why i never saw it. I don't create a backup b/c if everytime i did so, it would take up so much memory, any suggestions?
Hi Yitz,
Welcome !
When it comes to doing anything to the Registy then YOU MUST BACKUP. If you do not backup the changes then what will you do when it causes problems. At Options > Advanced make sure that the option is checked to Show prompt to backup registry issues.
You sound like an average PC user to me. If you are inexperienced I seriously recommend just leaving the Registry alone. The Registry can have hundreds of "issues" and still cause you no problems with your PC daily operation. MOST users have "issues" in the Registry but it is of no concern to them.
Good luck,
Thanks for the welcome Dennis........I ran the dial a fix and whereas it cleaned up the applications options of CCleaner the registry "missing shared dlls" fragments are still showing up. As it appears I have a tons of them (missing shared dlls) and way too many to delete them individually.
In addition to what davy said the backups create small reg files on the hard drive and if your hard drive is getting near full then the system will have more problems.ty for responding. I dont create backup, so i guess that's why i never saw it. I don't create a backup b/c if everytime i did so, it would take up so much memory, any suggestions?
Please show what operating system and Service Pack level installed and hard disk size with its free space.
Thanks for the welcome Dennis........I ran the dial a fix and whereas it cleaned up the applications options of CCleaner the registry "missing shared dlls" fragments are still showing up. As it appears I have a tons of them (missing shared dlls) and way too many to delete them individually.
Missing shared dll's entries are just that. Files that are no longer in the location the reg entry points to, either by being moved or deleted, and I'm not sure why you are unable to delete the left over reg entries.
I would suggest maybe going into safe mode, (how-to in my signature), and have a try at getting rid of them that way, but I'd first like to check out a bit more why you're having this problem, and in the meantime, if any of the other guys has more knowledge about shared dll entries, and the safety of simply getting rid of them all, I'm sure they'll chip in.
Hi Yitz,Welcome !
When it comes to doing anything to the Registy then YOU MUST BACKUP. If you do not backup the changes then what will you do when it causes problems. At Options > Advanced make sure that the option is checked to Show prompt to backup registry issues.
You sound like an average PC user to me. If you are inexperienced I seriously recommend just leaving the Registry alone. The Registry can have hundreds of "issues" and still cause you no problems with your PC daily operation. MOST users have "issues" in the Registry but it is of no concern to them.
Good luck,
i use a program called regcure that auto fixes my regisrty? any reason not to? if i must create a back up each time, how much memory is each one and where should i save it?
RegCure is a rogue application at least and dangerous to your system at worst.
Stick with CCleaner or RegSeeker:
Almost forgot, nice job. Are you making a sequel? Maybe "The Registry Part II, restore an entry" I have a feeling that one could be nominated for an award.
Do you mean a flash movie showing how to right click a file and select Merge?
Hope it's not needed
(although some friend of mine had troubles finding the Start button as well )