Registry Scan stuck at 46%

For the last few weeks, I have noticed that when I attempt to make a registry scan to fix any problems, it gets stuck at 46%.

All of the check-boxes are checked.

I have the lastest version of CCleaner.

I run windows 8.

If I leave the program for around 15 minutes, it will then finish the scan, finding no problems.

If I re-scan straight afterwards, it works instantly, no pause.

The program does not freeze, I can still press cancel, and I can see the green loading bar pulsing still.

The problem returnes after the computer reboots.

Any ideas?

(Also, I run the program through the reycling bin.)

For the last few weeks, I have noticed that when I attempt to make a registry scan to fix any problems, it gets stuck at 46%.

All of the check-boxes are checked.

I have the lastest version of CCleaner.

I run windows 8.

If I leave the program for around 15 minutes, it will then finish the scan, finding no problems.

If I re-scan straight afterwards, it works instantly, no pause.

The program does not freeze, I can still press cancel, and I can see the green loading bar pulsing still.

The problem returnes after the computer reboots.

Any ideas?

(Also, I run the program through the reycling bin.)

yeah i too had the same problems but after reinstalling ccleaner ,it got fixed.

try it.

Stop trying to clean everything that is checked off, read my signature. Probably you are attempting to remove a registry entry which ought not be removed

Hello Nergal - I believe the OP is talking about scanning the registry, not cleaning any entries. I notice the same pause at 46% on my machine during the scanning phase, but it only lasts 5-10 seconds, not 15 minutes as stated by the OP. I never thought of it as being a signifigant problem until I read this thread.

Derek are you able to work out at all which reg entry it is scanning? (I do realise you eyes would have to work pretty fast once the entry which is causing the hold up gets released)

Hello hazelnut - I have two questions on how to do this:

1.) Do I need to go to Options, then Advanced, and check "Show initial results in detailed view"?

2.) Does this setting apply to the registry scan button as well as analyze files button? I never tried it before when scanning the registry.

As the OP stated, this occurs only on the first scan, there is no delay in any subsequent scans, and in order to duplicate it I have to reboot the system. Also, lately I get no entries to be deleted when I scan, I think the delay is minimal under in this condition. Do you want me to install/uninstall an application in order to analyze this further? Or would doing so skew the results?

We are in uncharted waters here with this 'issue'.

So just dive in :)

I have used CCleaner for many many years and never seen this problem before. I have always checked everything and let CCleaner do the rest. Not once has it failed me.

It might be worth noting that I re-install windows every few months, and the last time I did so was a few weeks ago when I got my GTX 780. It might be a coisidence but I will list what I got with the card.

MSI GTX 780 Lightning - comes with Afterburner, GeForce Experience, Live Update 5 (Uninstalled Live Update 5 since it wanted me to install so much crap as part of its scans. Then uninstalled all the crap of course.)

I am the admin of the computer - the sole user. (not entierly sure how CCleaner works, but might as-well put that out there.

Now... this might be me talking utter "DooDoo" but:

With the registry section, there are 15 boxes to tick. All are ticked and the scan stalls at 46%. Therfor, perhapse the program is failing at number 7 - Application Paths ( Providing the program runs down the list? Again, I have no idea weather or not this is how CCleaner works.) - Been watching so much Poirot recently. >.>


1) No

2) No

3) Nearly six hours to answer, 5 secs to try it

Fluff etc, on my modest setup (win8pro) the reg scan stutters as it goes through 12 to 20% but then shoots up to 100%. I guess the reason why a second scan is faster is the same as the Cleaner second scan being much faster, some of the fist scan's findings are stored and possibly a timestamp check just repeats those unchanged.

I wouldn't bet on the 47% being Application paths. That presupposes all 15 sections take the same time to scan, which I doubt is true. If you can look at the last output of the scan when it halts (and you have 15 mins to do so) you can tell more or less where it is, as the scans appear to be in left-hand list order.

"If you can look at the last output of the scan when it halts (and you have 15 mins to do so) you can tell more or less where it is, as the scans appear to be in left-hand list order."

Sorry, I do not quite understand.

When I do a registry scan, and not the normal cleaner, there is no information to suggest where the scan is being held up. Yes there is a list to the left, but it is not as if anything lights up to hint.

@hazelnut - Understood that it's uncharted waters we're in here, I'm just trying to understand how I can observe the individual entries as they are analyzed during the scanning process.

@Augeas - Understood concerning the six hours to explain the details and five minutes to try it, I'll try installing then uninstalling several apps in order to provide some grist for the mill. I'll experiment with this today and post back later on. Wish me luck as far as not breaking something - I do not look forward to installing and updating Windows for the Nth time on this machine. :unsure:

Hello SuperFluffyBunny - There are two questions I'd like to ask you:

1.) Do you currently have Norton Internet Security installed on your system?

2.) Have you had Norton Internet Security installed in the past, then uninstalled it?

It may be relevant to the problem, then again this old dog might be barking up the wrong tree. Please post back with a confirm/deny for both questions, it will save me time spent going down the wrong path.

"If you can look at the last output of the scan when it halts (and you have 15 mins to do so) you can tell more or less where it is, as the scans appear to be in left-hand list order."

Sorry, I do not quite understand.

When I do a registry scan, and not the normal cleaner, there is no information to suggest where the scan is being held up. Yes there is a list to the left, but it is not as if anything lights up to hint.

When you do a registry scan there is an ever-increasing list of hits on the r/h pane of the window. They come in order or processing, i.e. Missing Shared DLL's first, Unused File Extensions next, etc. When the scan pauses just flick to the bottom of this list and see what type of analysis is being done. The pause is somewhere close to, but after that.

When you do a registry scan there is an ever-increasing list of hits on the r/h pane of the window. They come in order or processing, i.e. Missing Shared DLL's first, Unused File Extensions next, etc. When the scan pauses just flick to the bottom of this list and see what type of analysis is being done. The pause is somewhere close to, but after that.

I see what you are saying.... though i do not get a whole lot of registry problems. Infact, now that i think about it, i have not seen any since this problem began. Any at all. o.O

Operating System: Windows 8.1 64bit

CCleaner v 4.10.4570 64 bit

I installed the following applications in order to test CCleaner's registry scan:

1.) Garmin Express (v x86

2.) Hijack This (v 2.0.4) x86

3.) Treesize Free (v x86

4.) Defraggler (v 2.17.898) x64

5.) Speccy (v 1.25.674) x64

6.) WinRAR (v 5.01) x64

Note that I installed all 6 apps, restarted system, opened then closed each app, restarted system, uninstalled all 6 apps, then restarted system. Then I ran CCleaner in debug mode. Here is the log file:

[22:28:56::297][iNFO ] CCleaner v4.10.4570 (64-bit)

[22:28:56::297][iNFO ] MS Windows 8.1 64-bit

[22:28:56::297][iNFO ] AMD A10-4600M APU with Radeon HD Graphics

[22:28:56::360][iNFO ] 8.0GB RAM

[22:28:56::360][iNFO ] AMD Radeon HD 7660G

[22:28:56::360][iNFO ] Username: Derek

[22:28:56::360][iNFO ] Application Started

[22:28:56::454][ERROR] Error loading branding.dll - 0x490: Element not found.

[22:29:06::782][DEBUG] OnBegin - Registry

[22:29:06::782][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3601 | Missing Shared DLLs

[22:29:07::938][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3601 | Missing Shared DLLs

[22:29:07::938][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions

[22:29:08::657][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions

[22:29:08::657][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions

[22:29:08::657][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions

[22:29:08::657][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues

[22:29:10::407][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues

[22:29:10::422][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues

[22:29:11::016][DEBUG] HKCR\CLSID{B41DB860-8EE4-11D2-9906-E49FADC173CA} | InProcServer32\C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rarext32.dll | C:\Program Files\WinRAR\rarext32.dll

[22:29:11::688][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues

[22:29:11::688][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3615 | Interface

[22:29:13::485][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3615 | Interface

[22:29:13::485][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3604 | Applications

[22:29:13::501][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3604 | Applications

[22:29:13::501][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3605 | Fonts

[22:29:13::532][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3605 | Fonts

[22:29:13::532][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3606 | Application Paths

[22:29:13::547][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3606 | Application Paths

[22:29:13::547][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3606 | Application Paths

[22:29:13::641][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler64.exe | C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler64.exe

[22:29:13::704][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\HiJackThis\HiJackThis.exe | C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\HiJackThis\HiJackThis.exe

[22:29:13::704][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\Express\Express.exe | C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\Express\Express.exe

[22:29:13::719][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe | C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe

[22:29:13::719][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files\Speccy\Speccy64.exe | C:\Program Files\Speccy\Speccy64.exe

[22:29:13::719][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Uninstall.exe | C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Uninstall.exe

[22:29:13::719][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files (x86)\JAM Software\TreeSize Free\unins000.exe | C:\Program Files (x86)\JAM Software\TreeSize Free\unins000.exe

[22:29:13::719][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files\Speccy\uninst.exe | C:\Program Files\Speccy\uninst.exe

[22:29:13::719][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\ProgramData\Package Cache{9c502d87-a05f-46cd-826e-4a69f9ea7a9e}\GarminExpressInstaller.exe | C:\ProgramData\Package Cache{9c502d87-a05f-46cd-826e-4a69f9ea7a9e}\GarminExpressInstaller.exe

[22:29:13::719][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store | C:\Program Files\Defraggler\uninst.exe | C:\Program Files\Defraggler\uninst.exe

[22:29:13::751][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3606 | Application Paths

[22:29:13::751][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3607 | Help Files

[22:29:13::751][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3607 | Help Files

[22:29:13::766][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3607 | Help Files

[22:29:13::766][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3607 | Help Files

[22:29:13::766][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3608 | Installer

[22:29:19::157][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3608 | Installer

[22:29:19::157][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3608 | Installer

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3608 | Installer

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3608 | Installer

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3608 | Installer

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] HKLM\Software\CodeGear | CodeGear |

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software

[22:29:19::188][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software

[22:29:19::266][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software

[22:29:19::266][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3611 | Start Menu Ordering

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3611 | Start Menu Ordering

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3614 | MUI Cache

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3614 | MUI Cache

[22:29:19::282][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3614 | MUI Cache

[22:29:19::313][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache | C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler64.exe.FriendlyAppName | Defraggler

[22:29:19::313][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache | C:\Program Files\Defraggler\Defraggler64.exe.ApplicationCompany | Piriform Ltd

[22:29:19::313][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache | C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\Express\Express.exe.FriendlyAppName | Express

[22:29:19::313][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache | C:\Program Files (x86)\Garmin\Express\Express.exe.ApplicationCompany | Garmin

[22:29:19::313][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache | C:\Program Files (x86)\JAM Software\TreeSize Free\TreeSizeFree.exe.FriendlyAppName | TreeSize Free hard disk space manager

[22:29:19::313][DEBUG] HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache | C:\Program Files (x86)\JAM Software\TreeSize Free\TreeSizeFree.exe.ApplicationCompany | JAM Software

[22:29:19::313][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3614 | MUI Cache

[22:29:19::313][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3616 | Sound Events

[22:29:19::344][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3616 | Sound Events

[22:29:19::344][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3617 | Windows Services

[22:29:19::532][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3617 | Windows Services

[22:29:19::532][DEBUG] OnCompleted

[22:29:27::672][iNFO ] Closing application…

[22:29:30::907][DEBUG] Registry - Initializing Stop request…

[22:29:30::907][DEBUG] Registry - Finished Stop request

[22:29:30::922][iNFO ] Finished closing application

[22:29:31::579][iNFO ] Application Ended

Here is a link to a screenshot of CCleaner's results:

The hangup seemed to occur when the entry for CodeGear was being processed, and I'm a bit mystified as to what it is. I've never seen it on any previous scans, I have no recollection of installing it, nor do I have any clue of what other software it might be related to. Needless to say, I immediately did a full system scan using Windows Defender followed by a second scan using Trend Micro's Housecall (BTW - 506 minutes start to finish!). Both came back negative for any viruses/malware. When I finish up here, I'm reinstalling Hijack This to perform another scan, then I'm off to Googleland to find out what the heck CodeGear is. I'll reply when I have more info to share - Derek.

Is CodeGear to do with Delphi compiler?

I aint heard of it before. This is a pickle.... still getting the problem of being stuck at 46%

@Derek891, do you still get the pause after clearing that registry problem? Does the registry issue return?

If there is any tests you want me to do, let me know.

Hello @ SuperFluffyBunny - In response to your first question, yes. I cleared the registry entries, rebooted, and I still get the brief hang at 46%, even though nothing appears after running the analysis.

There were two questions I had for you back in post #12 - do you have, or have you ever had Norton Internet Security installed on your machine? My subscription ran out in December and I uninstalled it, but when I was using it, I seem to remember one registry entry, something to do with "activex/com", that always popped up during the analysis. I tried deleting it, but it would always re-appear after I rebooted my machine and performed a new analysis of the registry. After a while, I gave up trying to delete it and just let it be. And if I remember correctly, this was the entry that would pop up immediately after the brief hang at 46%. I'm going to examine my registry today and look for any Norton/Symantec remnants that might still exist. If you do have Norton installed, maybe you can verify if the "activex/com" entry is an issue for you the way it was for me.

Also, do you know how to run CCleaner in debug mode? The instructions are here:

You will find the log file in the CCleaner folder after running the registry analysis and closing CCleaner. Then you can copy/paste it here. Doing so would be a big help in pinpointing where the hangup is.

Hello @ hazelnut - I think the CodeGear entry was a one time fluke and I over-reacted to the results. It has something to do with C++, and I remember that last Wednesday(2/12) there were several security updates from Microsoft dealing with .NET Framework. Are they related in some way? (Something that's way over my head!) Anyway, it appears to be legitimate and has nothing to do with virus/malware.

Hello @ SuperFluffyBunny - In response to your first question, yes. I cleared the registry entries, rebooted, and I still get the brief hang at 46%, even though nothing appears after running the analysis.

There were two questions I had for you back in post #12 - do you have, or have you ever had Norton Internet Security installed on your machine? My subscription ran out in December and I uninstalled it, but when I was using it, I seem to remember one registry entry, something to do with "activex/com", that always popped up during the analysis. I tried deleting it, but it would always re-appear after I rebooted my machine and performed a new analysis of the registry. After a while, I gave up trying to delete it and just let it be. And if I remember correctly, this was the entry that would pop up immediately after the brief hang at 46%. I'm going to examine my registry today and look for any Norton/Symantec remnants that might still exist. If you do have Norton installed, maybe you can verify if the "activex/com" entry is an issue for you the way it was for me.

Also, do you know how to run CCleaner in debug mode? The instructions are here:

You will find the log file in the CCleaner folder after running the registry analysis and closing CCleaner. Then you can copy/paste it here. Doing so would be a big help in pinpointing where the hangup is.

Hello @ hazelnut - I think the CodeGear entry was a one time fluke and I over-reacted to the results. It has something to do with C++, and I remember that last Wednesday(2/12) there were several security updates from Microsoft dealing with .NET Framework. Are they related in some way? (Something that's way over my head!) Anyway, it appears to be legitimate and has nothing to do with virus/malware.

Oh! So sorry, i never noticed those questions! >.>

No, I have never installed norton on this computer. It was built from scratch and I only installed the main components I need, ie: Drivers.

No, I never had any issues with any Activex/com. Never heard of it.

Tried to re-install the program again but no results.

Ok, here is the results from the debug. There seems to be something up with the time on the report as-well. I swear, it takes a LOT longer thanwhat it tells us.

[19:50:17::084][INFO ] CCleaner v4.10.4570 (64-bit)
[19:50:17::084][INFO ] MS Windows 8 Pro 64-bit
[19:50:17::084][INFO ] AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor
[19:50:17::084][INFO ] 16.0GB RAM
[19:50:17::084][INFO ] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780
[19:50:17::084][INFO ] Username: Dean

[19:50:17::084][INFO ] Application Started
[19:50:17::084][ERROR] Error loading branding.dll - 0x490: Element not found.

[19:50:21::250][DEBUG] OnBegin - Registry
[19:50:21::250][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3601 | Missing Shared DLLs
[19:50:21::265][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3601 | Missing Shared DLLs
[19:50:21::265][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions
[19:50:21::593][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions
[19:50:21::593][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions
[19:50:21::593][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3602 | Invalid File Extensions
[19:50:21::593][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues
[19:50:22::170][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues
[19:50:22::170][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues
[19:50:22::576][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3603 | ActiveX and Class Issues
[19:50:22::576][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3615 | Interface
[19:50:23::387][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3615 | Interface
[19:50:23::387][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3604 | Applications
[19:50:23::402][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3604 | Applications
[19:50:23::402][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3605 | Fonts
[19:50:23::402][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3605 | Fonts
[19:50:23::402][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3606 | Application Paths
[19:50:23::418][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3606 | Application Paths
[19:50:23::418][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3606 | Application Paths
[19:50:23::418][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3606 | Application Paths
[19:50:23::418][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3607 | Help Files
[19:50:23::418][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3607 | Help Files
[19:50:23::418][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3607 | Help Files
[19:50:23::418][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3607 | Help Files
[19:50:23::418][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3608 | Installer
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3608 | Installer
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3608 | Installer
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3608 | Installer
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3608 | Installer
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3608 | Installer
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software
[19:53:29::825][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3609 | Obsolete Software
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3610 | Run At Startup
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3611 | Start Menu Ordering
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3611 | Start Menu Ordering
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3614 | MUI Cache
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3614 | MUI Cache
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3614 | MUI Cache
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3614 | MUI Cache
[19:53:35::051][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3616 | Sound Events
[19:53:35::129][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3616 | Sound Events
[19:53:35::129][DEBUG] OnRuleStarted | 3501 | 3617 | Windows Services
[19:53:35::144][DEBUG] OnRuleFinished | 3501 | 3617 | Windows Services
[19:53:35::144][DEBUG] OnCompleted

Thanks for your patience, thanks for keeping in touch and all the help. :-)

If SuperFluff, or you Derek, feel you have done all you can to narrow things down without ant success, an email to Piriform Support might be in order (with a link to this thread)