Long time CCleaner user, but this is the first time I've experienced this. When I do a registry scan, it hangs at 9%. I was able to stop it and then clean the problems it found, but now when I run it again it still hangs at 9% and finds no errors. I have to cancel the scan every time. Anyone else seen this before?
P.S. Save all Registry backups and complete Registry Back Ups.
Don't do any auto updates or any defrafrags,auto defrags etc.
OK...it hangs at 50% on the following two categories:
- Unused File Extensions
- ActiveX and Class Issues
Information requested:
- Windows XP Pro SP2
- IE 7 w/ latest updates
- No malware detected
I always backup the changes that CCleaner asks me to...is there something else I'm missing? And you say no auto updates, defrags, etc...do you mean EVER...or just while CCleaner is running?
I was also in a rush to tell you not to delete any back ups you may need to correct this problem.
You need to avoid doing any of the things I listed until this problem is resolved.Your Registry may be corrupted.
What you are reporting has not been reported by any others to my knowledge.
This is unusual.
I did not want you to cause any data loss because of a possibly corrupted Registry or further complications.
Have you done any Registry edits or applied any "Tweaks" lately?.
Do you know if any "unsuccessful" updates,installs or uninstalls have occurred?
I would not do any more Issues fixing until you found out the answers to these questions.
P.S. I am not familiar with any conflicts that Avast might cause.If it runs in the background it may be causing conflicts.Some security programs don't like "seeing" a lot of Registry changes being made.
I was also in a rush to tell you not to delete any back ups you may need to correct this problem.
You need to avoid doing any of the things I listed until this problem is resolved.Your Registry may be corrupted.
What you are reporting has not been reported by any others to my knowledge.
This is unusual.
I did not want you to cause any data loss because of a possibly corrupted Registry or further complications.
Have you done any Registry edits or applied any "Tweaks" lately?.
Do you know if any "unsuccessful" updates,installs or uninstalls have occurred?
I would not do any more Issues fixing until you found out the answers to these questions.
P.S. I am not familiar with any conflicts that Avast might cause.If it runs in the background it may be causing conflicts.Some security programs don't like "seeing" a lot of Registry changes being made.
I'm running PC Tools Spyware Doctor for malware and virus...will run a full scan shortly. I think I still have EVERY backup from CCleaner I've ever made...so I should be safe there No registry tweaks or edits in a long time...WAY before this started happening. Also, all updates appear current and no failures that I can remember. From time to time, it has locked up which has required a cold shutdown...that could be part of the problem, but I've been lucky with that in the past (of course...past performance is not indicitave of future results...lol).
Is there a good "registry repair" utility out there that could maybe steer me in the right direction. I would rather not do a rebuild, but understand that may be the only solution at this point.
Remember you "may" a have a corrupted Registry. However ,it could be OK.
Follow the advice of JDPower, other Power Members or Moderators.
One step at a time.
When you respond give as much info and detail as possible of what you did and what happened.
Each reply.
Good Luck,
My main thoughts are can you do normal running of your programs?
I remember your comment that you are going to do a full security scan shortly.That is a good thing to do at this point. How long have you been using your current security software?
Don't try to do any kind of repair without talking to us.If you get all "Nervous" on us you may do something without understanding the consequences.
Do you use ERUNT or some other program to back up your Registry completely?
Do you have System Restore feature turned on?
The Windows default setting is "on".This creates Restore points that you can return to in case of problems.
As long as you have a complete Registry back-up or System Restore Point you should be able to restore
your Registry to a point in time prior to these problems occurring.
Remember you "may" a have a corrupted Registry. However ,it could be OK.
Follow the advice of JDPower, other Power Members or Moderators.
One step at a time.
When you respond give as much info and detail as possible of what you did and what happened.
Each reply.
Good Luck,
My main thoughts are can you do normal running of your programs?
I remember your comment that you are going to do a full security scan shortly.That is a good thing to do at this point. How long have you been using your current security software?
Don't try to do any kind of repair without talking to us.If you get all "Nervous" on us you may do something without understanding the consequences.
Do you use ERUNT or some other program to back up your Registry completely?
Do you have System Restore feature turned on?
The Windows default setting is "on".This creates Restore points that you can return to in case of problems.
As long as you have a complete Registry back-up or System Restore Point you should be able to restore
your Registry to a point in time prior to these problems occurring.
Is CCleaner v2.04.543 your current version?
Well, after trying all of my available "restore points" and CCleaner backups to no avail, I have decided to just start fresh. It's proabably for the best anway. Thank you guys so much for all your help. I will probably move "up" to Vista...if that's the right word. Any suggestions for reg utilities? Does ERUNT run under Vista?
Well, after trying all of my available "restore points" and CCleaner backups to no avail, I have decided to just start fresh. It's proabably for the best anway. Thank you guys so much for all your help. I will probably move "up" to Vista...if that's the right word. Any suggestions for reg utilities? Does ERUNT run under Vista?
If you install it use all the "default" settings and locations.Also select AUTOBACKUP.
ERUNT,NTREGOPT,CCleaner Cleaner function,and Windows defraggment are programs that all average users need.
I don't have enough personal experience XP versus Vista.You might want to do some searching on the forum in this regard.You will also probably get more info in this current thread from other experienced users.
I do know you want a relatively powerful computer to benefit from Vista.
CCleaner hangs during a registry scan for how long?
Some anti-virus software real-time protection will cause very slow registry scanning, and it may seem as if registry scanners in general (not just CCleaner) have stopped and are doing nothing, when it could be the anti-virus causing a severe slowdown. One thing to try is to temporarily disable your antivirus real-time protection - which of course Safe Mode itself would accomplish as already suggested by JDPower.
The scan hanging doesn't necessarily mean a corrupt registry, it could just be a corrupt component (.dll, .ocx) such as an ActiveX file, etc., that's causing it or some other process.