I want to know what is the best way to optimize my registry.
I want to fully optimize my registry and not afraid of damage at all.
I first clean my reg with Tuneup Utilities & CCleaner then dont know to use RegCompact.NET or NTREGOPT.
Can you please tell me which one is better in your experience but according to the help files RegCompact.NET rebuilds the registry physically and NTREGOPT doesnt touch the registry physically but just fills empty holes.
So should i use both or just RegCompact.NET since it sound it will give a better performance boost.
I am no technician but i have UBCD4WIN which ive used 2 or 3 times to save my butt in very serious corruptions.
I will use erunt and if anything happens i can always use my boot cd to run it remotely from the cd.
Also does anyone else have or used UBCD4WIN?
I use NTREGOPT and CCleaner, it worked good for me.
There are alot of registry optimizers, but some are not safe to use. It is recommended that you do a backup of your registry, and if something goes wrong, you can also use the System Restore program in Windows.
Before you try a program, a good idea would be to check if it has any userbase and if they're happy with it.
I also use NTREGOPT if you go here they also have a very good tool for backing up your registry.
I use RegCleaner 4.3 (the last freeware version) and NTRegOpt, as well as CCleaner of course.
I would echo what's been said about really looking into a program before using it. Some registry cleaners are of dubious value. Fred Langa did a nice article about this topic a while back and found that some cleaners were finding false positives, inflating the numbers to make it look like they're doing more than they are...
I use ERUNT and RegCompact.NET. NTREGOPT must be missing a few registry files because when I run RegCompact.NET it displays them as being fragmented. Whichever you use follow the advice already posted which is to create a registry backup beforehand, ERUNT is the best freeware choice currently available that I know of that can create a known good registry backup.
I think this is the best:
CCleaner - http://www.ccleaner.com
Registry First Aid - http://www.rosecitysoftware.com/reg1aid/
RegCompact.NET - http://www.experimentalscene.com/?type=1&id=regcompact
They're the best, and won't cause harm to your system.