Registry messed up

Hello everyone,

I kinda messed up my registery, and now the computer dont start anymore, it halt with a blue screen error.

I have got a backup of my registry made by crapcleaner.

How do I restore the registery???

The backup made by CCleaner is named "cc_20050528_1448" and it's 16 KB.

Please Help me on this,

Thanks in advance


I can assure you that CCleaner isn't causing the problem, and I can assure you that even if you *could* merge the CC registry backup, it wouldn't fix the problem.

You need the assistance of a technician, to dig through C:\System Volume Information\ to a restore point and a grab a copy of whatever registry hive you are missing/is corrupted (probably SYSTEM -- which CCleaner would never touch -- that's the drivers hive).

Tell me more about the blue screen itself. What's the stop error, does it mention a filename (like SOFTWARE, SYSTEM, SAM, etc), and anything else. The more you can help me, the more I can help you ;)

You could try tapping F8 when you first boot your computer until you get a text menu -- then select 'last known good configuration' from the menu. You can also see if Safe Mode will work (if there's a registry problem, it shouldn't work, but try it anyway). It's safe to try pretty much anything on that list that you want to try (debugging mode, etc), so gve it all a shot.

If all else fails, the next place we will be going is the recovery console...

Read erunt.txt, pay close attention to what's in Introduction.

Read erunt.txt, pay close attention to what's in Introduction.

Boot into safe mode and run a registry repair application. I had a similar issue and fix it with this: I tried different applications and this one worked the best. GoodLuck.

Quince. :)

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but please ignore Russellbrown's advice completely.

Please see my above post [ ]

and we'll take it from there.

I can help you restore the registry (if that is indeed the problem) without using 3rd party crapware.

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but please ignore Russellbrown's advice completely.

Please see my above post [ ]

and we'll take it from there.

I can help you restore the registry (if that is indeed the problem) without using 3rd party crapware.

The problem is caused by the fact that the link in Crapcleaner which is presented to you on starting up Crapcleaner with Visual Basic errors is out of date...!! The link in Crapcleaner itself leads to the Service Pack 5 version of Visual Basic this version is NOT Compatible with WinXP !!.

PLZ, PLZ PLZ, fix this because installing this service pack 5 will result in the mentioned blue screen and no startup of WinXp!!!

The problem is caused by the fact that the link in Crapcleaner which is presented to you on starting up Crapcleaner with Visual Basic errors is out of date...!! The link in Crapcleaner itself leads to the Service Pack 5 version of Visual Basic this version is NOT Compatible with WinXP !!.

PLZ, PLZ PLZ, fix this because installing this service pack 5 will result in the mentioned blue screen and no startup of WinXp!!!

That has nothing to do with the registry errors.

woodland, who the hell are you?

PS: I just installed VB Service Pack 5, just to spite you.

PS: I just installed VB Service Pack 5, just to spite you.

But now your computer wont startup! :(:P

There wouldn't be a couple of mates of some other pest in this thread would there, the other pest has the initial E.


woodland, who the hell are you?

PS: I just installed VB Service Pack 5, just to spite you.

someone who is trying to help cause he is very happy with CCleaner?????

someone who is trying to prevent people of making the same stupid mistake he made i.e. not reading the statement by MS at the bottom of the downloadpage properly

(and who is quite surprised by your "friendly" reaction)

did you bother to check my statement? you'll find that the link provided by the latest version of CCleaner leads to service pack 5 of Vis. Bas. of which Microsft states (look at the bottom of the page) that it is not for WinXp.

xcuse me for pointing out a little typo in an otherwise mangificent program; having a "bad hair day"?

p.s. i found out the hard way that installing the wrong version of vis. bas. produces exactly the result described by the topic starter .. did i yell? did i shout? did i call names?

someone who is trying to help cause he is very happy with CCleaner?????

someone who is trying to prevent people of making the same stupid mistake he made i.e. not reading the statement by MS at the bottom of the downloadpage properly

(and who is quite surprised by your "friendly" reaction)

did you bother to check my statement? you'll find that the link provided by the latest version of CCleaner leads to service pack 5 of Vis. Bas. of which Microsft states (look at the bottom of the page) that it is not for WinXp.

xcuse me for pointing out a little typo in an otherwise mangificent program; having a "bad hair day"?

p.s. i found out the hard way that installing the wrong version of vis. bas. produces exactly the result described by the topic starter .. did i yell? did i shout? did i call names?

You complained about something that is not a problem. Cause guess what. I have VB SP5 on my old machine and it runs CCleaner fine.

You're not off to a good start.

woodland: my bad.

Lets settle this... (plz)

I have been reading your posts and i've come to the conclusion that i probably "jumped the gun" my bad sorry..

On the evening that i installed the service pack 5 for Vis. Bas. i also tried "Regseeker". After rebooting my system i looked at a MS welcome screen for ever and ever... and i had to reinstall WinXp, cause i couldn't even boot into Safe Mode. When i read this topic i mistakenly assumed that it was the installation of Vis. Bas. 5 that halted my system but you guys obviously know more bout this stuff than me and proved me wrong...

Hope this settles our "dispute"

I'll look before i'll leap next time

no problem. I'll remember to take my meds before I flame someone on here.

Aww. Aren't y'all cute. :lol:

Now remember to play nice in the future as well. :D

On the evening that i installed the service pack 5 for Vis. Bas. i also tried "Regseeker".

RegSeeker can royally f'up your system registry if you don't look at its undo files to see exactly what it removed, and promptly restore it before you reboot or can't reboot. It typically removes more that what it lists which is very deceptive.