Registry Issues

Last night I was closing down my computer after being online for a while. When I did the CCleaner Registry check it came up with several Issues, which I deleted. However, I realized that I had not installed or uninstalled any programs, etc.

Why then any Registry Issues to be deleted? I didn't think there could be any Registry Issues if no programs were added/deleted! (I did downloaded the MS Critical Update for net.Framework on Feb. 3)

I do remember that the Issues mentioned something about "uninstaller," if that means anything.

Just a note:

The only thing I remember doing was making IE my default browser (in Control Panel/Add-Remove/Set Program Access & Defautls/Custom) -- but I see it is back at "Use My Current Web Browser".

(I did downloaded the MS Critical Update for net.Framework on Feb. 3)

That can create some invalid entries. There also can be entries of unused file extensions, if you have double clicked a file with extension, that has not registered to open with any application. An invalid entry will also occur, if you delete some single file, that have made an entry to MUIcache.

That can create some invalid entries.

But, as I said, that was a download on Feb. 3 and there were quite a few Registry Issues to be deleted after that download. I don't believe (?) that there would still be Registry Issues today from that download. None on Feb. 4 or 5.

Deleted by Disk4mat

Applications read and write to the registry all the time. For example, I just ran CC and deleted some 20+ items. Every time I use PowerArchiver it adds numerous un-used file extensions to the registry. Each time I run Roxio Label Creator, it adds 3 invalid registry items for paths that dont exist :P

Thanks. I guess that is the answer I was looking for.

I thought that Registry Issues ONLY appeared when a new "Program" was installed. Or when a new "Update" was installed (such as MS Critical Update). Or when a "Program" was deleted from the computer.

Therefore, you would say it is "normal" for Registry Issues to appear even though a 'Program' was not installed or deleted or updated? They could appear when a particular program Opened?

Something is wrong. I was going off-line tonight and ran CCleaner and then the Registry and saw the same (?) several Issues.

Why do they keep appearing?

I read some other post on the Web and people say if you remove them you will be removing the Remove funtions in the Add/Remove of Control Panel.

Does anyone know what is going on? I am going to post this on the Bugs and see if anyone knows what is happening.

Problem:- Uninstaller Reference Issue

Date - {5AC94E-06C7-///etc)

Registry Key - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Management\ARPCace\{D6E84D....etc.)

On both xp and vista, uninstall information is stored in: Deleted by Disk4mat

Hi AliceZ,

From reading your Posts ,I can tell you are a very conscientious PC user and you want to keep your computer in "good working" condition.You love to use it and enjoy the pleasures and benefits it brings to you and your husband.

When it comes to Registry cleaning,I would suggest that you not even worry about doing it.Your use

of the computer is like millions of other happy users.Registry cleaning is more for experienced "heavy"

users.From what I have learned over the last couple of months of use is that for users like you it is better to just leave the Registry alone.

Once you get more experienced maybe but the problems and worry involved are not worth the benefit that most users "think" they will get.

The best for you is to keep using the Cleaner as needed and also defragment your disk drive once a month at the most.

Your computer is for your enjoyment.

The first Cleaning is the scariest because you never realized what junk was building up.

I am speaking to you like a brother.

Best Wishes Sincerely,

:) davey