Registry Defrag

I hate having multiple programs. One for defragging and one for registry defrag. I would love to see a registry defrag option for Defraggler. Thanks.

me to i would love to see a registry Defrag option added to this program

I third this :)

I'll broaden this further by putting out (in multiple threads) that I would like to see a version of Defraggler that defragments EVERYTHING not on the host partition. That way I can use my BartPE stick and defragment all my systems COMPLETELY with nothing left to the wind (registry included).

The user CAN defrag the registry (files). The user simply has to know which files he/she must defrag. If one defrags all the files in ""%windir%"" then a lot of the registry files are defragmented as well.

This article provides some answers for Windows XP.

Agreed with mrmadness

Willy2 unfortunately not a lot of people don't wan to do that or know how to do that. They probably want a automatic way.