Registry cleaning

Hi, hope this will be the right thread for this question. I recently had to uninstall all of Nero manually. I cleaned the register using Norton and then used Ccleaner. Both found dead entries that were then removed. checking again ccleaner showed no problems. I then used Reg Hunter which indicated nearly 300 problems from mostly dead shortcuts which were no longer there but entries were still in the registry. So the question is, why did Ccleaner not find and clean these entries when Reg Hunter did? I am using the free version and was thinking of upgrading to the paid version, but now not sure. I can provide screen shots or jpgs if that would help.


CCleaner has a more gentle registry cleaner meaning it isn't going to find as much as a more aggressive registry cleaner. Also more aggressive registry cleaning can list false positives, i.e.; they can remove registry data which shouldn't be removed.