Registry cleaning

Hi folks a quick question but I realise it will not be a quick answer. I have ran CC for years but never really got round to looking at the registry. But when I scan for issues I appear to have 100's of obsolete items. Can anyone point me to any good literature that would give me a good understanding of the registry and how to delete/manipulate this to ensure I get rid of all this redundant stuff. Any help and advice appreciated. I am not a newbie as I work in computing but I am afraid it is mainframe computing so don't really deal with registry settings etc. I am sure with a good understanding of the registry it must be possible to backup the registry make changes, run the PC for a while to see if any side effects and repeat process. I am rather apprehensive about just clicking fix issues. Just in case. Thanks in advance....

Hi folks a quick question but I realise it will not be a quick answer. I have ran CC for years but never really got round to looking at the registry. But when I scan for issues I appear to have 100's of obsolete items. Can anyone point me to any good literature that would give me a good understanding of the registry and how to delete/manipulate this to ensure I get rid of all this redundant stuff. Any help and advice appreciated. I am not a newbie as I work in computing but I am afraid it is mainframe computing so don't really deal with registry settings etc. I am sure with a good understanding of the registry it must be possible to backup the registry make changes, run the PC for a while to see if any side effects and repeat process. I am rather apprehensive about just clicking fix issues. Just in case. Thanks in advance....

Hello JD,

Welcome to the forum :D from another of mainframe experience.

A person with experience apparently.

Are you kidding me ? I was "green" to PCs and Windows internals up until 9 months ago and I am still learning. :P

And I have been heavy into learning.

From your questions and explanation I would say backup the Registry completely. Create a manual System Restore point and make sure that you are prompted to backup the Registry changes.

Then go for it !!! All or nothing. Or do it one option at a time. Take your pick.

The only other thing I advise most users is leave the Registry alone. It is like a phone book or map.

It is old and some entries no longer apply but it is still usable.

I would not use any other Registry program other than CCleaner if you must.

Always run CCleaner with no other programs running to get best results and no conflicts.

Best wishes,

:) davey

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

P.S. For advice see the following.

Hello JD,

Welcome to the forum :D from another of mainframe experience.

A person with experience apparently.

Are you kidding me ? I was "green" to PCs and Windows internals up until 9 months ago and I am still learning. :P

And I have been heavy into learning.

From your questions and explanation I would say backup the Registry completely. Create a manual System Restore point and make sure that you are prompted to backup the Registry changes.

Then go for it !!! All or nothing. Or do it one option at a time. Take your pick.

The only other thing I advise most users is leave the Registry alone. It is like a phone book or map.

It is old and some entries no longer apply but it is still usable.

I would not use any other Registry program other than CCleaner if you must.

Always run CCleaner with no other programs running to get best results and no conflicts.

Best wishes,

:) davey

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

P.S. For advice see the following.

Cheers Davey much appreciated. thanks for the advice. Like you though I am predominately involved in Mainframe computing I have used PCs for longer than I can remember (yes I am that old!) I am ready to begin my next phase of learning and I have always been interested in cleaning the registry as there is too much data on my PC to rebiuld or reload windows. I have had a lot of stuff come and go from this PC so this is probably where all these obsolete entries come from. to recap on your advice.

Create a manual system restore point

Backup the registry changes

and then fix the lot?

how best to create a manual restore point?

when I backup the registry changes I assume you can remerge these back into the registry in the event of errors

I have seen on other messages on this forum that recommend ERUNT and NTREGOPT I downloaded these but have not ran them or enquired too much about them.

When you say no other programs running what about your antivirus and firewall should these be running?

PS as an aside would a clogged up registry cause your machine to be sluggish?

Any adive Davey appreciated. Thanks

Any adive Davey appreciated. Thanks

Hi JD,

Sorry for the slow response.I am suffering from ISP(Intolerably Slow Providers)for definite DSL modem problems on my system. Takes multiple calls and tests to convince them. They are nice enough to mail me a new modem when I am only 2 miles from Wash.,D.C.

Enough biashing.

how best to create a manual restore point? Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore .

Select Create System Restore Point .

when I backup the registry changes I assume you can remerge these back into the registry in the event of errors

Yes you can and you must merge in the reverse order that you created them.They are time stamped.

I have seen on other messages on this forum that recommend ERUNT and NTREGOPT I downloaded these but have not ran them or enquired too much about them.

Yes, get them and select /Autobackup option for ERUNT. Run ERUNT manually when you are ready to go for it. Also print off the read me text just in case you need it. :o

When you say no other programs running what about your antivirus and firewall should these be running?

I always leave mine on.Some A/V don't get along with CCleaner.Always leave firewalls on if possible. I do.

All other stuff off especially browsers.

PS as an aside would a clogged up registry cause your machine to be sluggish?

Clogged up PC is more the case. But if you have a tremendously bloated Registry it helps to at least use NTREGOPT.

"Cleaning" the registry is your choice. Yes, I have but not in months. The CCleaning did more for me plus a disk "defrag"


Search for thesetopics on the forums ERUNT NTREGOPT "PENGMAN" "Eternally Young" or someone will give you some links. I can't give you links because I am on a borrowed PC with limited time and promised to not leave tracks all over. :P

:) davey Be back as soon as snail mail allows.

I to am an old mainframe guy as I left IBM in '98 after 31 years of wonderful service.

I worked on the old 360 Model 65 that had 256K RAM in a large frame that was about 8ft high x 6ft long x 3ft wide and probably weighed about 1 ton and had a Selectric typewriter as a console that clattered constantly and broke down frequently so an on site spare was always available.

Enough reminiscing.

I have found that cleaning the registry of obsolete entries then compacting the registry with NTREGOPT also available from the maker of ERUNT and then a reboot to activate the cleaned registry works well.

Installing User Profile Hive Cleanup Service will speed up shutdown:;displaylang=en

Installing User Profile Hive Cleanup Service will speed up shutdown:;displaylang=en

I almost think that should be on every XP machine, and wish Microsoft would just release it as a hotfix because it resolves so many issues as evident in viewing the Event Log.

I almost think that should be on every XP machine, and wish Microsoft would just release it as a hotfix because it resolves so many issues as evident in viewing the Event Log.

Thanks for all the great replies. I'll get round to this as soon as possible. I'll also check out the links provided. As they say watch this space...


I don't speak english (I try), and this post is a doubt that I have. Please help me.

I "scan for issues" a 2nd time, and then "fix selected issuses..." and made a backup. The computer start to function very slowly after that, so I "Restore" to a point before de "fix selected issuses...". My question is "the removed files are now back?" can I stay calm now? :(

Thank you very much for your help and the forum.

ps: if you can answer me in simple words will be better. Thanks again.


I don't speak english (I try), and this post is a doubt that I have. Please help me.

I "scan for issues" a 2nd time, and then "fix selected issuses..." and made a backup. The computer start to function very slowly after that, so I "Restore" to a point before de "fix selected issuses...". My question is "the removed files are now back?" can I stay calm now? :(

Thank you very much for your help and the forum.

ps: if you can answer me in simple words will be better. Thanks again.

Sorry Cholis I have not got round to running the full process yet. But have had great suggestions from this forum and the members are very doubt you will get an answer ...cheers


I don't speak english (I try), and this post is a doubt that I have. Please help me.

I "scan for issues" a 2nd time, and then "fix selected issuses..." and made a backup. The computer start to function very slowly after that, so I "Restore" to a point before de "fix selected issuses...". My question is "the removed files are now back?" can I stay calm now? :(

Thank you very much for your help and the forum.

ps: if you can answer me in simple words will be better. Thanks again.

Hello cholis,

Welcome :D

Your English is good.

You are a new user of CCleaner ?

I think that you are a new user.

When you restore the backups from "fix selected issiues" ,you need to do them in reverse order.

You made cc_20080805_0300.reg the first "fix selected issues" run.

You made cc_20080805_0315.reg the second "fix selected issues" run.

To restore the Registry MERGE cc_20080805_0315. reg to the registry first. Then MERGE cc_20080805_0300 to the registry second.

This will Restore the registry as it was before you ran "fix selected issues". This does not restore any files.

Many new users do not know that CCleaner must be run without other programs running at the same time.

All browsers and other programs should not be running. This does not include your Anti-virus or Firewall programs.

You will find that after you "RESTART" your PC it will be running faster.

Read these instructions to a new user before you run CCleaner again. This will help you to setup your CCleaner options.

Beginners advice

Start here with this link and follow its advice.

Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.

Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

Good luck.

:) davey

CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites