registry cleaner question

When I use the registry cleaner and it ends with the results printout, how do I de-select a problem, so it does not show up again. I am unable to find anything that allows me to deselect forever any problem result that shows up. Some of the problems that show up in the results, I do not want to eliminate, but I do not want them to keep showing up when I run the registry cleaner. Thank you.

Hello conan,

Welcome to the forums !!! :D

You can Exclude the key by following the instructions in this link. However if you are already in the results listing of "Scan for Issues" you can right click on the entry in question and select "Open in RegEdit".

Then follow the the instructions in the second paragraph onwards of the link.

This method can be used for as many entries as needed. Once you are finished then "Scan for Issues " again to check that the changes are good.

I would also recommend to "toggle" the option at Options > Advanced > Save all settings to INI file. Leave the option checked. This will create a file that contains all your CCleaner settings. This file will be saved in the CCleaner folder at C:\Program Files\CCleaner . The file name is (cc)leaner.ini . Copy this file to another folder to keep a backup in case you need it.

Best wishes, :) davey Exclude Registry Keys - Exclude Issues

P.S. This thread may also be of use in your situation.