Registry Cleaner Issue After Feature Update To Windows 10, Version 1809

Since the recent Feature update to Windows 10, version 1809, I have encountered the following issue when running the CCleaner Registry Cleaner:-

Problem: Application Paths Issue

Data:                  C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\ki126109.inf_amd64_db6a2d083f3ea368\igfxEM.exe

Registry Key:    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store

After fixing the issue, unfortunately the same issue reappears after a reboot.

Any help would be appreciated'

If it's reappearing after cleaning then it's probably a new key that's needed in 1809 and that CCleaner doesn't recognise yet so is clearing by mistake.

I’d just ignore it, it will probably be recognised in the next CC update.

BTW. There is no need to use the registry cleaner unless you are trying to repair a broken/infected machine.

It does not improve performance in the slightest unless the machine IS broken/infected.

Microsoft specifically advise agains using registry cleaners, especially with Windows 10.


Thanks for your reply.

Have made a note of your advice.

From a bit of searching that key is related to Intel graphics.

As you may be aware there have been problems with intel chips recently which both MS and intel are working on.