Registry Clean in .bat or something?

Hey Guys,

yesterday (uhm I think), i created a batch for my personal CCleaner Options.

It is just the ccleaner.exe /AUTO command in there but I don't need any commands to add.

Cleaning with .ini works great, so I thought that I wanna have a .ini file or something for registry cleaning, too. Written in .bat.

Example :

ccleaner.exe /REGISTRY /AUTO - I know that command don't work, but is there any way I can create a .ini and start an automatic process to clean the registry?

Thanks for reading ;)

There's no way to automatically clean the registry with CCleaner.

Ah, got it. Thanks ;)

Uhm, is there any simple way to clean up registry with Batch or so?

If you know 100% exactly what you're doing yes.;)

I also run a batch cleaner like you, and have it call a .REG file which wipes out registry keys I don't need, example using a minus in front of registry data you want to delete:

Example .REG file which you can call via your batch file with something like:

regedit /s "C:\path to your reg file\my reg cleaner on shutdown.reg"

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Some Random Program\RecentFiles]

I highly suggest before playing around with .REG files like this which can delete registry data that you instead browse some sites that better explain it than I can!!! And do make a System Restore Point and/or ERUNT registry backup before playing with those type of .REG files.

Sounds good to my ears.

Can you upload your batch file for me, so I can take a look in it?


:blink::blink::blink::blink: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO such a bad idea . . .

please read my signature

Can you upload your batch file for me, so I can take a look in it?

Sorry but I'm not going to for the fact people could copy it or whatever and wreak havoc upon their systems.