Registry CCleaner - Newbie

Hi, I just downloaded the software, and the first thing I did was run the registry fix. Running registry - a zillion "problems" came up. I have not fixed them. I have a 4 year old computer, and while it is not slow, I thought I would clean up the registry, (Topic B - I am not sure if I really need to do the Cleaner, since I run Disk Cleanup/Defrag periodically, and it seems that the cleaner will take out my passwords, bookmarks etc) .

I see on a post it says not to do the registery until I am more familiar with the program. Can you clarify? Is there a problem if I run the registry fix. In the Beginners guide, the posts says you may not even want to do a reg backup before registry fix. So I am confused. Thank you.

Hi Harlan, and welcome to the forum.

As I pointed out in answer to your pm, although CCleaner is a very safe registry CCleaner, don't bash away after the first scan, if as you say, you have "zillions" of entries.

The most important thing before you embark on this, is to make sure you follow CCleaners dialogue, and make a backup.

Better still besides the CCleaner backup, is to backup the entire registry by using ERUNT. It comes with another utility called NTREGOPT, which is the best Registry Optimizer I know.


To clean your registry the first time, I'd suggest unchecking all the boxes except one, and do a scan and clean. As long as you have a backup, if you experience any problems afterwards, it can be rectified.

Over a period of time, work your way through the different checkboxes, making backups as you go. Eventually you will rid your PC of a lot of junk entries, without the possible disaster of doing one huge "clean".

Whether or not to clean the registry has become a topic of discussion on here recently, but in your case I would say it would be beneficial to your PC.

One small bit at a time with backups, and the process shouldn't be problematic.

Hope this helps.