Quisiera hacer una copia del registro una vez que est? libre de errores pero no es posible. Solo puede respaldarse el registro antes de limpiarlo.
I want to make a registre copy AFTER clean errors, this option is not available
Quisiera hacer una copia del registro una vez que est? libre de errores pero no es posible. Solo puede respaldarse el registro antes de limpiarlo.
I want to make a registre copy AFTER clean errors, this option is not available
that is very good suggestion...
You can talk in spanish to me... if you need something...
Si, es una buena idea.
Me puedes hablar en espa?ol a m? tambi?n si necesitas algo.
I can not see any use for this, nor how it could be used.
The standard backup BEFORE cleaning will create a *.reg file,
and if you do not like the result of cleaning a simple double click will merge it into the registry to put it back as it was.
What do you expect an AFTER backup to do ?
How would it know what keys and values to backup ?
How would you use this *.reg file ?
If you think the cleaned registry is now perfect, and you want to preserve its state, I recommend the use of ERUNT.
Doesn't CC's registry backup just backup those 'bad' entries found in the scan? fi so then it isn't a full backup. You could run CC registry analyse, Select fix Issues, backup the registry, then quit, but I don't think it would be worth the effort.