Registration key is not valid Error 12029

Hello, despite I received the email with Username and Regsitration key... and pasted both into program registration details. it gives Registration key error. I unistalled, downloaded and installed twice and again same error.

Please guide me through it, or send me new key.


See the following guide:

Error 12029 is a Windows error that can have a few different causes, but it is usually a server connection error, you may want to check that your firewall (antivirus) is not blocking the connection to the licencing server.

If you are still having issues then please contact support by email at

Thanks Nukecad,

I disabled my Avast antivirus completely and Windows Defender firewall. I got exactly same error message 12029. Pirifom - CCleaner support is not answering any of my emails.

Any suggestion? can you help me to get their attention? or i will have to ask for a refund?

Thanks again for quick help

I have exactly the same issue. It sucks. Mailed support on 30th of sept 2021. No reply as of yet.

Thanks Vinny for sharing,

I hope that more people having this issue accelerate solution. I will appreciate any kind of answer on their side after support emails sent more than a week ago!

Someone else with error message 12029? please join!

Best regards,


Please check in your junk/spam folder to see if our support team's responses might have gotten put there by mistake. Please also note that if you, for instance, replied to your purchase email, support will not have gotten your message as those come from an unmonitored email.

The only two ways to contact our support team are via the Contact Us form or by emailing; emailing other email addresses will not reach our support team and, as such, if you attempted to contact us via another method, please use one of these two methods to reach our support team.

With that in mind, here's a few things you can try first:

First, check that your date, time, and timezone are set correctly.

If that's set properly and you're still having trouble, the easiest way to fix it is to change an Internet Options setting.

Since CCleaner runs as Administrator, you may need to log in with your Administrator account and change these settings for that account (if you are not already using that account).

  1. Search for Internet Options through the Start menu or Windows Search function.
  2. Pick the Advanced tab and then scroll down to the Security section.
  3. Then turn off or uncheck "Check for server certificate revocation".
  4. Click APPLY at the bottom of the window.
  5. Restart the computer

And, of course, if problems persist, please get in touch with our support team via either of the methods listed above and we'll be happy to look into the matter further!

Thanks, I did all these, check date and time... and restarted, and tur off firewalls. Still NOT working. Same error.

I reinstalled ans installed new download program and not working.

I will follow with support email and here.

What browser are you using?

Thanks for letting me know, and I'm sorry to hear that this did not take care of the matter. I'll get this information back so we can investigate the problem further, and of course, Support will be happy to assist with this as well. :)

Please also ensure that the 'Check for server certificate revocation' function is turned back on, and of course that any security software that you disabled (such as firewall(s) are reenabled too, to ensure that your system stays safe.

On 08/10/2021 at 12:26, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		What browser are you using?


On 08/10/2021 at 19:24, johnccleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Thanks for letting me know, and I'm sorry to hear that this did not take care of the matter. I'll get this information back so we can investigate the problem further, and of course, Support will be happy to assist with this as well. <span>:)</span>

		<span>Please also ensure that the 'Check for server certificate revocation' function is turned back on, and of course that any security software that you disabled (such as firewall(s) are reenabled too, to ensure that your system stays safe.</span>

Thanks. I sent email to support address as well. Hope at least they answer me, they did not answer any of my previous email. And I checked Spam!

20 hours ago, AlvaroS said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Thanks. I sent email to support address as well. Hope at least they answer me, they did not answer any of my previous email. And I checked Spam!

@AlvaroS; as of the time of writing, the oldest support ticket not yet personally answered by a human agent is 32 minutes old. While a bit of a backlog can sometimes accumulate over the weekend for customers who don't have the 24x7 CCleaner Premium Support, these are generally cleared out by Monday night. Can I ask what your previous ticket numbers were so I can see what might have happened to them? (and I assume you were emailing

@Dave CCleaner

Another user here with same error

On 12/10/2021 at 10:57, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/95072-alvaros/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="95072" href="<___base_url___>/profile/95072-alvaros/" rel="">@AlvaroS</a>; as of the time of writing, the oldest support ticket not yet personally answered by a human agent is 32 minutes old.  While a bit of a backlog can sometimes accumulate over the weekend for customers who don't have the 24x7 CCleaner Premium Support, these are generally cleared out by Monday night.  Can I ask what your previous ticket numbers were so I can see what might have happened to them?  (and I assume you were emailing

Thanks for Reply, I have written 3 emails to (aside from my posts in this forum) on Sept 29th, Oct 7th and 12th and I cannot give you any ticket number because I got NO reply. Please send me a solution or refund me my money please

On 19/10/2021 at 10:06, AlvaroS said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I cannot give you any ticket number because I got NO reply

There is always a bit of a catch-up after the weekend, but currently there are no requests in the CCleaner support queue raised by paid customers more than 24 hours ago that have not yet received a personalised response. Even the oldest request from free users is less than 36 hours old. I would encourage you to check your email.

If you contacted CCleaner support you would have automatically received an immediate automated response acknowledging receipt of your request with the subject line:

"[Request received] We've received your request. Please check this email for additional information (and some links that may help you while you wait)."

If you have not seen one of those, please check that:

  1. you did actually send your request to
  2. that you've checked your spam folder for any responses from the support team

18 hours ago, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents" data-gramm="false">
		There is always a bit of a catch-up after the weekend, but currently there are no requests in the CCleaner support queue raised by paid customers more than 24 hours ago that have not yet received a personalised response.  Even the oldest request from free users is less than 36 hours old.  I would encourage you to check your email.

		If you contacted CCleaner support you would have automatically received an immediate automated response acknowledging receipt of your request with the subject line:

		<em>"[Request received] We've received your request. Please check this email for additional information (and some links that may help you while you wait)."</em>

		If you have not seen one of those, please check that:

			you did actually send your request to
			that you've checked your spam folder for any responses from the support team


Hello, All my 4 emails have been sent correctly to, from my email and never got any automated reply or answer. Always checked Spam, and nothing from you. I am a paid customer, as I paid 25€ for a year license. If you need my email again, here it goes: email address removed to avoid spamming.

On 27/10/2021 at 18:55, AlvaroS said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hello, All my 4 emails have been sent correctly to, from my email and never got any automated reply or answer. Always checked Spam, and nothing from you. I am a paid customer, as I paid 25€ for a year license. If you need my email again, here it goes: <em>email address removed to avoid spamming.</em>

Good morning, can you give an answer please? Email support is not answering me.

It is very odd that you say you are not even getting the automated reply.

If your emails are being received at support then an automated reply will be sent out to say that it's been received.

The reply is automatically sent back to the originating email address.

If you are not getting even an automated reply then it suggests that your emailed requests are not getting through to support at all.

If they were then as well as the automatic reply someone human would also answer them later. (and the staff above would have been able to find them when they looked).

Have you tried using the 'Submit a request' form that johnccleaner linked above rather than sending emails?

On 02/11/2021 at 11:03, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		It is very odd that you say you are not even getting the automated reply.

		If your emails are being received at support then an automated reply<em> </em>will be sent out to say that it's been received.

		The reply is automatically sent back to the originating email address.

		If you are not getting even an automated reply then it suggests that your emailed requests are not getting through to support at all.

		If they were then as well as the automatic reply someone human would also answer them later. (and the staff above would have been able to find them when they looked).

		Have you tried using the '<strong>Submit a request</strong>' form that johnccleaner linked above rather than sending emails?

Thanks. I used this button and got 2 replies on my Inbox.

6 hours ago, AlvaroS said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Thanks. I used this button and got 2 replies on my Inbox.

As the online request form works, but not when you send a request by email, then it does suggest that there may be an issue with your email account and sending emails.

Have you noticed any other problems with sending emails to other people or companies?

I believe that you are using an Hotmail address?

Hotmail itself can block outgoing emails in some circumstances, all outgoing emails or just certain ones.

It can do it for various reasons. (Limits on numbers sent in a certain time period, attachments too big, content of the email, and so on).

See this for some ideas of what to check: <a href="" rel="external nofollow"></a>

Hotmail actually stopped service years ago, and you are in fact using Outlook even though your address is still '@hotmail.**'.

You may want to consider changing your email address / service to a more modern one, possibly Outlook, possibly Gmail, there are many options.

(I know it can be daunting to make the change and have to inform all your contacts).

You can even register your own domain name and have you own email address like '' it's fairly easy to do and cheap or even free.

You don't need to create a website if you don't want to, just use the email facility.

See this for how to do it, it shows a choice of domain hosting companies:

(Personally I have my own domain and so personal email address hosted on IONOS which isn't listed in that article. it was free for the first year and now costs me just £12 GBP, about 14 Euro, a year).