register inf.

Hi All,

I'm brand new so please bare with me - I'm not PC literate, also self taught.

Some weeks ago something went wrong with my PC, (can't remember what now).

I my quest to find a solution, I found a website that said I needed to re-set inf. in the registry !!!

Not knowing any better I tried to follow the instructions, but it made thinds worse.

I need to reset it to what it should be, (XP Pro) - can ANYONE help ? Please.


without some more detailed info Peter, members may give at best, wild guesses and at worst, bad advice.

what is the PC doing (or not doing)?, are there any error messages?

what was the website that was telling you those things? (don't provide a link, just the name will do)

and what was the problem all those weeks ago as far as you can recall?

the file association repair will repair inf associations among others.