Register help after downloading windows SP3

Hello there, hope someone can help me,

Have been using CCleaner for ages now and have never had many items listed when running the register


I have just downloaded Windows SP3 and ran the clean register and have 135 "Uninstaller References Issues"

each have a different KB number, I guess these are called hotfix from window updates

My question is "is it ok to delete all these" bit scared to hit the delete button

many thanks


The SP replaced the individual KB updates. As a precautuion you can opt to backup the registry items. Make sure under Options>Advanced that 'Show prompt to backup registry' is checked.

The SP replaced the individual KB updates. As a precautuion you can opt to backup the registry items. Make sure under Options>Advanced that 'Show prompt to backup registry' is checked.

Hello Disk4mat,

I thought that was the case, and yes I always back-up.

CCleaner is a really good product and I have always trusted it in the past, but seeing so many items scared me.

Many thanks Astra