HISTORY in the FIREFOX BROWSER, it still "cleans our my FIREFOX history.
Any way to make it leave my History alone?
I have tried this many times but now it is getting me upset.
HISTORY in the FIREFOX BROWSER, it still "cleans our my FIREFOX history.
Any way to make it leave my History alone?
I have tried this many times but now it is getting me upset.
Firstly those settings only apply to Custom Clean and not to Health Check.
If you are using Health Check it will still clear your browser history regardless of what you have ticked/unticked there.
Second, check your Firefox settings to make sure you haven't set it to never save it's history (ie. Private Browsing), or if it's on 'Use custom settings for history' check that it's not set to clear it's history on closing:
Third, just to be sure - are you certain that you mean 'History' and not 'Session'? (Sometimes people get the two things mixed up).
Could you tell us just what is being cleared/reset that you don't want to be cleared/reset?
1 hour ago, nukecad said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> If you are using Health Check it will still clear your browser history regardless of what you have ticked/unticked there. </p> </div>
... unless you uncheck here after a scan and before cleaning:
THANKS TO YOU BOTH. My "settings" are: 'REMEMBER HISTORY' So if I understand correctly, it is because I have always used "Health Check" since it was added as a feature.
I always "manually" erase HISTORY myself so I never want the "system" to delete it for me.
Quote<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> it is because I have always used "Health Check" </p> </div>
Yes, that's right.
As Dave says above - If you want Health Check not to clear your browser history then each and every time that you use Health Check you have to:
It's a long way round to exclude something from Health Check because Health Check was never really intended to let you customise things in that way; that's what Custom Clean has always been for.
Health Check is for non-technical users to simply clean everything that an 'average' user would want to clean, and then do a couple of other checks as well.
If you consistently want CCleaner to leave your browser history alone then using Custom Clean is the way to do it.
PS. You can set Custom Clean to be the default screen, so that CCleaner opens to Custom Clean every time: Options>Settings>CCleaner home screen.
Thanks, it is laziness as I have only been doing this for about 55-60 years [computers] and retired from IBM and had one of the original "PC.'s" with DOS 1.0.
Thanks for the explanation of "Health Check is for non-technical users" as ASSUMING "makes an ass out of you and me".
It's been a bit of a problem since Health Check first came out.
We have to explain on here at least once or twice a week that the ticking/unticking in Custom Clean only applies to Custom Clean itself and not to Health Check.
It could be explained better in CCleaner itself. As it stands it's not very intuitive and can be confusing, especially to new users.
(We've even suggested that Health Check should be made a seperate product, but apparently there are technical reasons why that didn't happen).
Is that a WARM: bitter, mild, stout, porter, India pale ale, Brown ale, and Old ale?
Sam Smith's Sovereign Bitter is my usual tipple when the pub is open, https://www.samuelsmithsbrewery.co.uk/shop/draught/ale-draught/sovereign-bitter/
The cellar, and under bar, chillers mean that it's usually served at between 7 and 11 degrees Celsius (42-52 F) - depending on the weather.
(I know Americans like their beers colder, possibly that's so that they don't have to actually taste them).
At the moment we are covid lockdown though and pubs are closed, so bottled ales (Moorhouses or Jennings usually) and cans of lager (usually Carling) at home.
PS. Most of the stories you hear from Americans about English beer being 'too warm' originate from servicemen stationed over here during WW2, most of who didn't arrive here until 4 or 5 years after the war had started, rationing was in force and there wasn't electricity spare to chill beer, so hardly the best time to judge a country's usual food or beer quality.
After retirement at 72 [I never planned to retire but IBM had large layoff and I figured, it maybe time] , I took my first ' vacation'. Being raised poor, in the country, vacations were visiting relatives. We flew from Los Angeles to Paris, then "cruised" Italy for my Wife. We loved New Orleans, Cruising... I always wanted to visit England, Ireland...but I find Europe not "handicap friendly" as the U.S. but I am "Irish/English" by temperament and my DNA is "Western European". But old age caught up to me. Being a "super taster" Beer is bitter and harsh to taste but I do have one occasionally but the mild, lagers are better to me but I do like it cold.
ps, my last name is "Reeves", and the "Jagman" is an tag a Employee put on me because I LOVE XKE' Jaguar's and used to have a small collection of XKE's and also a 1956 Triumph TR3
I think that the 'handicap friendly' or as we call it 'Accessible' is simply because a lot of Europe is much older that the USA.
I myself have a disability, but currently live in a property that was built in 1604 and then remodelled in about 178#-180#? (I've not been able to track that exact date down yet).
Well before disability or even old age was considered in building standards, and of course with it being so old you are limited as to changes you can make to it now as it's a private dwelling rather than a 'government' building.
Many small shops/businessess face the same restrictions on preserving the heritage look of the original, and even some interior features.
Just getting planning permission for the entrance step to be lowered (ie. for wheelchair access to a shop) can be a problem with older buildings.
I'm still managing it where I live, but I'm keeping my eyes open for something more accessible in my advancing years.
(PS. I'm not in a wheelchair myself but am very active on a UK disability forum).
My disability means that I've never been able to hold a driving licence.
I wouldn't risk it anyway, too dangerous for other road users.
(But yes of course I have driven, even large trucks when I worked as a designer for an hydraulic tipper manufacturer - off public roads is no problem to others).
The original Jaguar MkII (not the 240) was my favourite, and in 1986 I managed to persuade a workmate to lend me his newly restored powder blue one for my sisters wedding.
He decked it out with wihte ribbons, dressed up as a chaufeur, and drove it himself.
She loved it, much better than the white Rolls Royce that everyone else used for their weddings.
Nice talking / remeniscing jagman.(Good craic we call it round here).
Why Europe is less "Handicap..." I fully understand. It was not a negative comment but “just the facts”. HOPEFULLY, the entire World will ‘evolve’ to the positive, eventually, for the poor, handicap, Races….
But Europe was built to last, America was not. WE are a "throw-away" society caused by Capitalism and greed that runs amuck. PROFITS can not be made unless one throws everything away when one gets "tired" of it and was never made to last. Our Capitalist thrives on built-in obsolescent. We are encouraged to buy "NEW things" This is why we have ‘new’, shiny things no "charm" like Europe.
But we are a country of the Worlds "rejects" as is Australia.... , yes, in the beginning, Britain, then the rest of the World and our STATUE from France says it all:
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" The 'door' is not gold, but steel as steel is harder, stronger...
Our Founders were Eastern Europe rejects. We are still like young children with a shiny toy but we were made that way. All we need to do is "grow up" and we will. One has to be ‘objective’ about history and not be critical.
It is what it is.
10 hours ago, jagman said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> WE are a "throw-away" society caused by Capitalism and greed that runs amuck. </p> <p> </p> </div>
Yes here in the U.S.A. that is indeed true.
There's a different throw-away aspect and that's how much trash is just littered across the country, if there's a store around that sells food items (dollar store, gas station, or grocery) near a neighborhood people seem to think the ground and peoples land/yards are for their trash. In my city it has gotten out of control, it didn't look so trashy 15 years ago when there wasn't as much littering. I'm so fed up with it because my house is near a dollar store and a grocery store. If I was in the government making laws I'd try to make the fines for littering obnoxiously expensive; first offense $2500, second offense $5000, third offense $10000, fourth offense $20000 including prison time.
This does the same to the recycle bin, I store stuff temporary there and now it gets deleted, even though the box is unticked, please sort this..
No doubt you are also using Health Check, as said above:
Health Check uses it's own cleaning rules and takes no notice of Custom Clean's ticks or unticks, or includes/excludes, or 'Cookies to keep'.
Health Check is not customisable, if you want/need to customise what is cleaned or not then that is what Custom Clean is for.
PS. Storing wanted stuff in the recycle bin seems a strange thing to do, would you store wanted files in your waste bin at home?
I am 83 yo and live in a city where my last job took me, Tempe, AZ. [within Phoenix, AZ]. Tempe is the cleanest, best run City I have ever lived in and I have traveled and lived in more than I have wanted to remember. I do not care for Arizona as it is a "cowboy" State like Texas and most of the West, backward and not progressive. But little Tempe is an exception. Law enforcement is the best, our City government is exemplary. Tempe is the home of ASU Univ and the AZ Cardinals and very progressive. Years ago, when Phoenix wanted to build more freeways, Tempe wanted Light Rail instead. Arizona laughed but Tempe built their own Light Rail anyway. Now, Phoenix continues to expand the "Light Rail" throughout the Phoenix. It is now TEMPE that is laughing. We are trying very hard to become "green". I converted my house to Solar many years ago, including driving a "green" car. We are as "handicapped friendly" as I am handicapped. Our infrastructure is clean and maintained.... I have lived here for over 30 years and the first year here, I was amazed how CLEAN Tempe was and we never considered leaving. In my 83 years, it is the best place I have ever lived. One could say: We are a "CCleaner" City.
Visit us sometime.