.reg files added

CCleaner appears to have created several files in my documents in the form of "cc_xxxxxxxx_xxxxx.reg" with the first set of numbers being the date created. What are these files for? Can the be deleted?

Thanks D.

Hi, DaveK35. :)

Those are backups for the registry entries CCleaner removed. If you double click on them, the entries will be merged back into the registry. I always change the file extension to ._reg so I won't click them by mistake.

Suggest keeping them until you are satisfied that everything is still working right. I have a folder on an external drive called "RegBacks" which contains any registry backups made by any application, like regseeker, CCleaner, ERUNT, etc. The form of the file name tells you what made what. From time to time I just delete the older ones if everything is working OK.

You are wise to tread carefully around the registry.

Hi, DaveK35. :)

Those are backups for the registry entries CCleaner removed. If you double click on them, the entries will be merged back into the registry. I always change the file extension to ._reg so I won't click them by mistake.

Suggest keeping them until you are satisfied that everything is still working right. I have a folder on an external drive called "RegBacks" which contains any registry backups made by any application, like regseeker, CCleaner, ERUNT, etc. The form of the file name tells you what made what. From time to time I just delete the older ones if everything is working OK.

You are wise to tread carefully around the registry.

Great, thanks for the info and renaming idea, it makes a lot of sense. I knew .reg files accessed the registry, so knew not to click on them, but accidents do happen!