Redimensionar o ccleaner

Antes nas versões antigas tinha a opção de redimensionar o ccleaner, e deixar a janela bem reduzida, isso ajudava bastante para quem tinha um netbook com a tela pequena, mais agora nas novas versões não da para reduzir o tamanho da janela, para poder configura-lo e usa-lo.

Se for possível, ativem novamente a opção de poder redimensionar a janela do ccleaner, para quem tem netbook de tela peque poder usa-lo novamente.

Earlier in the old versions had the option to resize the ccleaner, and make the window very small, this helped a lot for those who had a small screen netbook, but now in new versions not to reduce the size of the window, so you can configure it. it and use it.

If you can, re-enable the option to resize the ccleaner window, for those who have a screen netbook so they can use it again.

Original topic about it, with allot of posts:

Basically why it was done, without having to do allot of reading about it:

Modern displays are getting bigger which means some programs that don't have a set minimum size look tiny on screen. All you have to do is maximize the CCleaner window and everything will fit on screen.