Recycle bin


In recent versions already, I found that the icon of the Recycle Bin remains full after cleanings performed by CCleaner.

None of the solutions found on the net and one answer given here didn’t bring solution.

I recently tested a competitor (Privacy Eraser of Cybertron) that tries to look like CCleaner, but with whom I do not have that problem.

FYI, this happens with win 8.1 64 bit and not under win 7 64 bit!


P.S. : I forget to say that one must then do a click on the Recycle Bin Icon, which opens the directory and empty the icon of the trash.

Use this

I did that already, as well as other solutions of the net as i said... no change !

Thanks for your prompt response.

You tried these?

Yep !

Then without being in front of your machine myself I cannot offer anymore options :(

The one I posted have always worked for me on peoples machines.

Is the option (in ccleaner) set to only delete recycle bin older than 24 hours?

Thanks Hazelnut & Nergal.

The answer is no... only the temp-files of Windows.

Meanwhile, i discover something else : if I interrupt a cleaning (small cross to close the program), then repeat the operation to the end... the icon is empty! ???

I'll desinstall using Revo and reinstall. I'll give feedback !


The problem seems to be solved by the reinstallation.

It may have occurred by an incompatibility at some point, but I don’t believe that.

Personally, I rather think that successive installations of new versions over the program is the cause.

Thanks anyway for your help.

Glad it's all sorted for you now JBel :)

FYI, I discovered today that changing the icons of the trash (right click on desktop - customize - change the desktop icons) causes the phenomenon ... it disappears when doing a click on the "Default Settings" button at the same place (Win 8.1).

Usually when my Recycle Bin is stuck with the full icon, I'll make an empty new text document, delete it, and then use the Recycle Bin to clear itself which will usually cause it to display the correct empty icon.

If the above isn't the issue have you tried a program that can flush the icon cache on Windows, and cause it to rebuild itself? Note that the same can be done by changing the Graphics Display (at least in XP it works) to a low Color Quality "Medium (16 bit)", and then immediately switch it back to the preferred "Highest (32 bit)".

Sorry for the late answer Andavari...

I tried your solutions without success.

Anyway, the problem is solved for me, I will not change the icons of the trash anymore.

Best regards.