Meanwhile, i discover something else : if I interrupt a cleaning (small cross to close the program), then repeat the operation to the end... the icon is empty! ???
I'll desinstall using Revo and reinstall. I'll give feedback !
FYI, I discovered today that changing the icons of the trash (right click on desktop - customize - change the desktop icons) causes the phenomenon ... it disappears when doing a click on the "Default Settings" button at the same place (Win 8.1).
Usually when my Recycle Bin is stuck with the full icon, I'll make an empty new text document, delete it, and then use the Recycle Bin to clear itself which will usually cause it to display the correct empty icon.
If the above isn't the issue have you tried a program that can flush the icon cache on Windows, and cause it to rebuild itself? Note that the same can be done by changing the Graphics Display (at least in XP it works) to a low Color Quality "Medium (16 bit)", and then immediately switch it back to the preferred "Highest (32 bit)".