recycle bin issue

I am having a strange issue.

1) My recycle bin shows 0 files,

2) I run Analyze on CCleaner. Recycle bin shows 0 files.

3) After cleaning, CCleaner shows it removed over 6 gigs.

Happens every time I clean.

I was fooling around with Onedrive the other day but deleted everything related to it.

Can't find anywhere on my SSD where these files are coming from.


recycle bin.JPG


after cleaning.JPG

You have a corrupted recycle bin - it's pretty common and easy to fix.

One part of Windows thinks there is stuff still in the bin even though it's empty

If you don't fix it then Windows will just keep thinking it's not been emptied and the list of deleted files just keeps growing bigger.

See here for the fix:

PS. Most people don't even notice when their bin is corrupted, it's only when you use something like CCleaner that you can see the problem.

That's probably why Microsoft have never got round to making sure it stops happening, it's just a minor glitch.


Thanks for the help!

Followed directions. All up and running.