
I've downloaded & installed Recuva for the first time, but when I try to run it just flashes and disappears. I've excluded it from the DEP & rebooted, but it still doesn't run. Help!

I had the same problem some time ago and posted a report here - with several follow-ups giving more & more details of Windows version (XP with SP3) etc. but it was never resolved. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling many times with different settings. However, the only thing that worked for me was to download and install an older version - v1.26, and the problem goes away. Anything newer than that produces the same result you have described - a brief flash, and it disappears. For functionality v1.26 seems to work just as well as the much later versions, so I have stuck with it. Good luck ...

Hi Kashele, and welcome to the forum.

I'm sure we've had this before, maybe with one of Piriforms other products, and a conflict with security software rings a bell.

Which Operating System are you using, and security software?

Can you try running Recuva in Safe Mode first, and then with whatever security software you have disabled. Of course disconnect from the web while you do that.

I did a quick search and haven't found anything yet, although one of the other guys may remember.

How to use Safe Mode is in my signature if you're unaware of that.

I think this is the thread John was on about Dennis.

Perhaps Kashele may like to try some of the things in it.

Thanks for the tip. I now have v1.26 installed & opened fine, but scans to 0 'cos I haven't specified any particular files to recover. Even if I knew what they were, how do I list them? I want a general scan on each drive.

This will give you an overall view on how to use recuva Kashele.

I wasn't actually looking for that one hazel, as John said it was never resolved, but nice find anyway and it's worth a read.

I'm sure some have been resolved with either a tweak to, or change of, security software. Trying Recuva in Safe Mode of course, as that above thread eventually gets around to, is the best first choice with the elimination process.