Recuva x64 seems to feature a 2 GB size limit for some reason

I have a repurposed machine formerly used for developing broadcast video on air products. It's huge. I backed it up some time ago. The backup disk got mucked up thanks either to the BIOS or Intel storage manager software. I'd had two disks the same size on the machine. I removed one. The one left on acquired the boot sector and directory from the other. The sick drive is a 3 TB drive with literally millions of files on it. The machine has 24 G of memory. It's running Win7 x64. It has two CPUs with 6 processors each. Of course I used Recuva x64 version.

Processing proceeded apace, slowly, until it reached 29% after about a day's work. It hung there not adding any fines or percent done. Taskmanager indicates it had used slightly less than 2 GB of ram and was not consuming more or releasing any. But it was still appearing to run.

Is this some demo version limitation or is it a bug of some sort. Taking a log of debug output on this might just overflow available disk space. So I'm not sure how it might get debugged.

And with this sort of failure I'm loathe to spend money to learn it's a "feature" rather than a bug and end up with a useless lump of bits on a disk.

{ ^_^}