Hi, Recuva can recover files from USB drives and pictures from SD Cards/Cameras/cell phones?
Hi, Recuva can recover files from USB drives and pictures from SD Cards/Cameras/cell phones?
It works on my digital camera.
It works on my digital camera.
I hate sounding like a dummy.....but exactly how do you retrieve lost pics off of a camera picture card.....
Step by step directions......I'm a complete novice with this.....
I would guess that you load the device, be it flash drive, mem card, etc., open Recuva, change the drive letter to the device letter, run scan, and recover what you want from the scan list. You can happily recover to your pc hard drive as it will naturally not be overwriting anything on your external device.
I would guess that you load the device, be it flash drive, mem card, etc., open Recuva, change the drive letter to the device letter, run scan, and recover what you want from the scan list. You can happily recover to your pc hard drive as it will naturally not be overwriting anything on your external device.
Well...the reason why I've got to try getting it off my picture card is ...
My hubby, removed the Windows O.S and then tried to re-install....and we lost everything ....it was still on the hard drive...so we took it to the Computer repair...I specifically asked them to retrieve "SHARED" stuff and they didn't which is where my camera program put my pictures.....
They just assumed by retrieving stuff from our individual identities was sufficient....
And then they reloaded Windows for us...so basically it's like starting on a clean slate.....
So....if I plug my camera into the USB port.....bring up recuva...and follow out your directions I may have a chance ?
Yes, although I've never had to do this myself. Have you run Recova on your pc? Just wondering if there's anything left in the MFT - probably not but give it a go.
Well...the reason why I've got to try getting it off my picture card is ...My hubby, removed the Windows O.S and then tried to re-install....and we lost everything
....it was still on the hard drive...so we took it to the Computer repair...I specifically asked them to retrieve "SHARED" stuff and they didn't which is where my camera program put my pictures.....
They just assumed by retrieving stuff from our individual identities was sufficient....
And then they reloaded Windows for us...so basically it's like starting on a clean slate.....
So....if I plug my camera into the USB port.....bring up recuva...and follow out your directions I may have a chance ?
Hi Harshrealm,
Since you say it is all new to you,I wanted to re-emphasize to you what Augeas said in his reply.
Not only may you be able to recover pics from your picture card ,you may also be able to recover some of those pictures from your Hard Drive itself.Hopefully they did not wipe your disk before re-installing Windows..
So try to recover what you can from your Hard Drive first.You want your Recuva copies to go to another drive so you don't overwrite what you are trying to recover.It is very important for you to understand that.
So the first thing you want to do is run Recuva then select "pictures" and then click on "Scan" to see what may be still available on your hard drive as regards pictures.There may be other things you want to recover also.
Also book mark these links and read first.
http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?s=&...ost&p=95389 How to use Recuva, Tips and hints
http://www.internetrotsyourbrain.com/recuvabeginnersguide/ Recuva Beginner's Guide
Good Luck,
And another thing just came to me, if you have deleted pictures from your camera memory card, and then taken more pictures, you will have overwritten some of the pics on the mem card - they won't be recoverable.
I don't know what hubby was trying to do, but if it was deliberate then write BACKUPS on a large board and hit him on the head with it.