When I try to run a deep scan on a computer, Recuva suddenly closes without a message. This only happens on one harddrive, the other are scanned fine.
When I cancel the deep scan I see some files that I can recover, but I'm looking for certain files and I don't known when they are scannend.
I ran Recuve in debug modus, this is the beginning and end of the log file:
[2013-04-13 22:18:07] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.46.919 [2013-04-13 22:18:07] [iNFO ] System Info: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit, Intel Core2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz, 2.0GB RAM, RADEON X700 PRO [2013-04-13 22:18:33] [iNFO ] CDriveInfo::CDriveInfo: Boot sector:…
[2013-04-13 22:49:33] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::ExceptionFilter: jpg error
[2013-04-13 22:49:36] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::ExceptionFilter: jpg error
[2013-04-13 22:49:51] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::ExceptionFilter: jpg error
[2013-04-13 22:49:52] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::ExceptionFilter: jpg error
[2013-04-13 22:49:53] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::ExceptionFilter: jpg error
[2013-04-13 22:49:54] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::ExceptionFilter: Not a PNG file
[2013-04-13 22:50:02] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::ExceptionFilter: jpg error
[2013-04-13 22:50:13] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::ExceptionFilter: Out of Memory
[2013-04-13 22:50:22] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::LogBaseException: WinAPI exception: WinAlloc.cpp(77) : Unknown system error: 0x00000008 (0x00000008)[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [ERROR] LibRecuva::Util::LogBaseException: WinAPI exception: WinAlloc.cpp(77) : Unknown system error: 0x00000008 (0x00000008)
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] CNtfsUndeleterImpl::FindFileRecords: Building folders
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] CNtfsUndeleterImpl::FindFileRecords: Restoring tree
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] LibRecuva::Utils::LogOperationDuration::LogOperationDuration: LibRecuva::Scan::StageAnalyzeDamage::AnalyzeDamage started.
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] LibRecuva::Scan::StageAnalyzeDamage::AnalyzeDamage: Analyzing damage of 58327 files.
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] CDamageAnalyzer::PerformAnalysis: 43745 deleted files, 35 filesystem objects
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] LibRecuva::Utils::LogOperationDuration::~LogOperationDuration: LibRecuva::Scan::StageAnalyzeDamage::AnalyzeDamage ended. It took 0.218000 seconds.
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] LibRecuva::Utils::LogOperationDuration::LogOperationDuration: LibRecuva::Scan::StageAnalyzeDamage::ProcessEmails started.
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] LibRecuva::Utils::LogOperationDuration::~LogOperationDuration: LibRecuva::Scan::StageAnalyzeDamage::ProcessEmails ended. It took 0.110000 seconds.
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] LibRecuva::Utils::LogOperationDuration::LogOperationDuration: LibRecuva::Scan::StageAnalyzeDamage::ProcessRecycleBin started.
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] LibRecuva::Utils::LogOperationDuration::~LogOperationDuration: LibRecuva::Scan::StageAnalyzeDamage::ProcessRecycleBin ended. It took 0.078000 seconds.
[2013-04-13 22:50:25] [iNFO ] LibRecuva::Utils::LogOperationDuration::LogOperationDuration: LibRecuva::Scan::StageAnalyzeDamage::FilterFiles started.
Is there a possibility to run a whole deep scan on the harddrive?