recuva overwrite/delete doesn't work

Still unable to delete selected files or overwrite selected files. Following info published in "Securley deleting your files. I asked about this in the past, but no work around or solution discovered yet. Only can conclude it doesn't do what it say it will do. If I'm overlooking some I like to know what. Recuva does a good job finding files but doesn't help me delete/overwrite them..

Hi everyone :)

first i would like to thank the staff for updating my permissions so i can now reply and start topics.

i do a lot of tech support for a number of different forums websites and blogs so i hopefully i can help

out a Lil where i can here.

No moving on to this problem.

i have been encountering this same issue along with a number of other people that has been haveing the same problem.

even if you recover your files,then shred them with a file shredder and run Cclean it is still not going to wipe and get rid of everything. in fact most of what you scan on the deep scan will still remain,So it would be great if recuva can get this option to work so you can permanently remove all files from your drives but as of now it dont seem to be a working feature.

How ever i found a solution finally..

There is a software program called Mutilate File Wiper.. you can find this on cnet and download for free for a 30 day trial period.

All you will need to do is wipe your disk once and it cleaned everthing out gone.

Now you can also select individual files or folder4s to be mutilated to where they will never touch or be recoverable.

So be sure you have caution when using this and do not add any files or folders you wish to keep. because if they get mutilated you will not be able to get them back.

Ok so here are a few directions on what i have did.

First i have used recuva to do a deep scan for images.Run the complete scan as you normally would then recover the files to a folder in another drive to ensure you retrieve all files.

Now the Mutilator File wipe has an option called POWER MUTILATER.

Select this option,

Now you will see filter on the right hand side with a arrow. the arrow is your browser

select the drive to where you have recovered your files to,

double click on the drive

then select the folder that you have all your recovered files in.

Now all you do is hit the mutilate tab and it will do it's work.

There are also options to choose how many path wipes you wish to have and you can also customize this to run as many wipes as you wish. keep in mind the more passes wipes you choose the longer it will but the more secure.

i did interest which is a option they have. and it clear everthing.

Now after you do this. go back just wipe the drive and choose how passes you want.

Now depending how many files you have and how many wipes or passes you have set. the mutilation process can take wile.

so you have to choose what you best like for what it is your are doing.. this goes for the drive wipe too.

I did a drive wipe on the lowest option they had set as one pass. then i went and did another deep scan.

Well out of 750.000 or so files that i used to have. there was only 35 files that came up.. wow

So yes this worked very well for me.And anyone that wants to completely wipe there drive clean of all old deleted files.

I did this in one day a 30 day trial period is more then enough to accomplish this.

As far as the buying it. the mutilator works great. but you do what that dose with regular files befor deleted then with a plain file shredder.. if shred instead of recycling.. then they will never be recoverable form the hard drive.

You also find a free file shredder here at cnet.. and this is 100% free no trial no nothing just free :)

So this worked perfect for me. i hope it works for everyone else the same way.. follow them directions above and you should be good to go.Now i do suggest that everyone take there time with this to understand how it's working befor using it.

Because like i said if you mistakenly add files or folders to the mutilator and run it.. they are gone. so just be cautious.

and i hope this helps for everyone that has been haveing this problem.

Then when recuva fixes there lil glitch then you want need anything else hopefully.

Other then that rucuva works freaking awsome and have been recommending this to alot of people on the tech support forums i work for..

So thanks and good luck. any problems you might have just post here and i will help the best i can.

kirk out

First i have used recuva to do a deep scan for images.Run the complete scan as you normally would then recover the files to a folder in another drive to ensure you retrieve all files.



then select the folder that you have all your recovered files in.

Now all you do is hit the mutilate tab and it will do it's work.

I don't know where this completely erroneous idea came from, it is absolutely wrong. I can't think of many things more pointless than recovering deleted files to another drive and then deleting them. Apart from being a waste of severeal hours of your life, it will leave the original deleted files untouched on the disk.

If you want to overwrite deleted files then either use Recuva's secure delete facility, or run a wipe free space utility.

well i am not here to argue with anyone man.

but let me tell you YES IT DOSE WORK. And how is it a wast of time.

Did you start the thread and ask the question? No so if it dont pertain to you there is no reason to reply You are not helping this guy what so ever by your response.Do i see you giving detailed instructions..No lol

Look i am not here to be rude or sound bitter to you or anyone else here this is a support forum for recuva,a person is haveing a problem and i only have tried to help the best i can.Look it worked for me. so i am not a liar. but you coming in and stating what you have stated. is rude,inconsiderate,disrespectful and totally unnecessary.

Your know people may have all kind of things they want to totally remove from there disk for all kinds of reasons.

Anything from pay roll information or some husband that wants to get rid of pornography so his wife dont see it.

People may want to recover things to look and see if there is still something they want to keep befor the totally remove everthing as well.

And if you read correctly..I did say you had to wipe the disk.. but CClean dose not wipe it completely, nor dose the files wipe for Reva work correctly at this time. this is merely a temporary solution.. if it's not for you and a wast of your time. then fine it's not for you move on And let the person who asked for the help determine whether it works for them or not.

As i said this has worked for me like a charm.

So have a nice day.. and stop butting in and disrespecting people for things that do not pertain to you.

oh and just to add.

recuva suggest that you recover your files to another drive to ensure all will be recovered.

As far as the purpose of doing this is a easy way to view files instead of viewing them form recuva.So i strongly suggest you read and understand things befor you go insulting someones integrity for doing nothing more then trying to help someone.

With due respect to both you guys, I'm stopping this before it goes any further.

Augeas is correct kirkt. Recovering files to another drive is pointless unless you are trying to recover them. The original files are left behind, intact, and these are the files the poster wants to overwrite.

I don't believe Augeas was disrespectful in his reply. His tone was one of surprise more than anything else.

It appears to me that you may have simply misunderstood the original posters request, and we've all done that at one time or another. In fact it's probably one of my specialties. :)

Can we all please keep any further replies in this topic addressed to the OP's problem of successfully overwriting the deleted files on his drive.

With due respect to both you guys, I'm stopping this before it goes any further.

Augeas is correct kirkt. Recovering files to another drive is pointless unless you are trying to recover them. The original files are left behind, intact, and these are the files the poster wants to overwrite.

I don't believe Augeas was disrespectful in his reply. His tone was one of surprise more than anything else.

It appears to me that you may have simply misunderstood the original posters request, and we've all done that at one time or another. In fact it's probably one of my specialties. :)

Can we all please keep any further replies in this topic addressed to the OP's problem of successfully overwriting the deleted files on his drive.

well i understand what you mean. but the recuva secure file feature is not working.

What i am explaining is not just to recover files to a folder then delete them.This is an easier way to view the files

instead of viewing them on recuva. and if you do not want the files then you have to shred them not delete them if you delete them then it;s only going to add more copies right back to the drive.

Considering the recuva secure file options is not working correctly using Mutilate File Wiper you can get this free on cnet.

It will completely clean the drive and wipe all delete files from the drive.

I was just trying to explain in detailed instructions on how to do this.. may be it was a lil long and confusing.

But even running Cclean will not remove everthing i have tried and tried and the files just keep coming back. they are never removed.. but now that i have done it the way i explained in my first reply everything is gone.. my disc clean from any and all deleted files

if the recuva secure file option was working. then you would never have to do what i have said. but this feature dose not appear to be working right now. and that is the solution i have found and it works. if you run that wipe it's going to remove all deleted files and free up all disk space.. out of 165g that i ad almost full on my c drive it freed up 1.01gb and all deleted files that used to continue to come up with recuva are now gone.. thats what i wanted to do and it seems that what dhac is looking to do.

hopefully recuva can have the secure file feture fixed in the next update. then you would not even have to go through what i have explained. i am sure the techs are aware of this problem .

see here is a screen shot. my c drive was almost completly full. but now i have done what i said it freed up all that space. and even Cclean did not do this for me



I'm not as diplomatic as DennisD and will therefore just blurt out what I think and that is the continued recommendation of "Mutilate File Wiper" is too spammy! For one you're recommending something against Piriform software on a Piriform forum - so feel very lucky you've even gotten this far posting about it. If it works for you fine, you can however always PM the OP telling about it instead repeatedly "spamming" it on a Piriform software forum.

Thanks all for the inputs regarding my problem. Think I will wait until recuva has a solution before experimenting any further.

Taking a step back from something is a good course of action when there's an element of risk involved.

You're not the first to bring up this particular problem, and I'm sure you won't be the last.

One thing I'd like to ask, as it isn't clear from your post, have you actually recovered any files successfully after overwriting them, or are you not actually able to overwrite them at all?

File references do turn up in scans, although the actual files themselves are beyond recovery. I'm certainly no expert on the technicalities of Recuva's overwrite capabilities, but the devs do read these posts, and will take note of the problems you explain.

And one final thing, do you really need to overwrite these files for personal or security reasons, or is it a case of doing it because the feature is there? We're all guilty of that at one time or another.

Personally, I never touch this stuff apart from a single pass secure delete with CCleaner, and I never wipe free space, and would only consider this type of operation if I was selling on my computer.

Hope that helps, but by all means post back if you more questions.

EDIT: I should have remembered this other thread, as it's relevant to your problem. Have a read:


been unable to delete anything. When I tried, just said item was deleted in a blank number of seconds, however still there. No big deal I guess. Just some things I would rather not be there or be recoverable.


This secure delete isn't always as straightforward as it seems, and there are usually a couple of threads at least active on the subject at any one time.

Do you get anything like this after you select delete:


MFT space being used to store small files, and also the actual reference to files already deleted still being visible in the MFT, is something beyond me to be honest, and I leave stuff like this to be explained by folk with some technical knowledge about the subject.

If it isn't too important, maybe leave well alone for now.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but you might get more info from that other thread I linked you to above.


Nothing like that. All I get after selecting a number of files to delete is a little square box saying 0 files deleted in a number of seconds.


I wonder if the files you are trying to delete are already deleted, and you're just seeing the references to them left in the MFT?

Secure deletion does not overwrite file names, which continue to exist in the MFT (Master File Table). In order to overwrite names of deleted files, please use the Wipe MFT Free Space option in CCleaner.

Taken from here: LINK:

If you use the Wipe MFT Free Space in CCleaner, it runs in tandem with the main WFS routine for that particular drive. It doesn't appear to run independently.

I wouldn't recommend using it, but that's just my personal opinion, and it's entirely up to yourself of course.

I have read most of the posts on the Recuva issue and understand less than I did before reading them.

Before going to windows 7, XP and Recuva got along fine...Recuva does not seem to like 7....However, I can

run it and it works on my flash drives...I like Recuva and am at a loss as to why it will not work on 7.

I like the Piriform products I use and, when possible, show my appreciation for their use.

Now, to the crux of the there any definitive solution? :rolleyes::PB)


Nothing like that. All I get after selecting a number of files to delete is a little square box saying 0 files deleted in a number of seconds.


That is exactly what i get when i run secure delete.(dhac)It just says o files deleted and time. It doesn't delete anything when i tell it to.



Nothing like that. All I get after selecting a number of files to delete is a little square box saying 0 files deleted in a number of seconds.
