Sorry, I am sure there are many topics of this kind, however, my searching skills are useless and I've discovered nothing so... here it goes...
My friend is a complete noOb so I am doing this for her.
So, my friend recently got a HP Photosmart M517 camera and she used Photoshop to copy her files and an option on there was: 'Delete after upload' and she stupidly ticked it. Unfortunately, the photos didn't all transfer (something happened) so I suggested this program to recover the files. Unfortunately though, it would appear that Recuva doesn't detect the camera in either the drop-down menu on the main window or in the list using the wizard.
She has the drivers and all the HP software (from their website to do with this camera) installed and yet Recuva doesn't detect it. My Computer does detect it and she can easily browse it.
Does anyone have any suggestions/fixes?