I'm having the same issue. Running windows7 64 bit, using the 64bit version of Recuva and it just stops at 47%, I've tried a few times now.
I'm also having this issue. Stops at 15% on a 750gb drive scan (w8 computer scanning a w7 drive from a laptop).
The drive is still accessible, but recuva seems to be idling and the "files found" count is stuck at 298056.
Also, I should note that the drive is directly connected to the computer (sata). When I tried the same thing with a usb3 dongle, it stopped at an earlier stage with a "device not ready" error.
I took a look at the event viewer and found a whole bunch of "The IO operation at ... was retried" while recuva was running.
Googling that issue it seems it's driver related, so I'm manually installing the latest intel storage related drivers and running recuva again.
Edit 2:
Nope, still freezes. I'm going to try it on a different computer to eliminate any possible sata/mobo issues.
Edit 3:
I decided I would let it recover the 15% it found (pictures only) and it did so just fine. It's kind of a weird issue that it can recover fine but not search. Something must be buggy/conflicting with whatever driver/api it uses to deep scan.
Edit 4:
Okay, results on a second computer (win7 64bit, plugged directly to mobo)
-Hangs at 14% (still responsive, but doesn't make progress and eta slowly climbs).
-Resource manager shows about 14kb/s read from recuva instead of the 14mb/s average when it was working.
-Same "The device, \Device\Ide\iaStor0, did not respond within the timeout period." in the event log. Timing of the events is here: http://pastebin.com/2mykSW8t
Okay, this recovery job was somewhat time sensitive, so I ended up just buying a copy of [competition] since the free version managed to do a full drive scan.
But [competition] actually had the same problem with the drive. Lots of errors in the event manager and eventual slow down until drive response times were over 30 seconds and progress stopped.
What allowed it to finish is that you could pause a scan. So I would pause, disconnect and reconnect the drive and coutinue. Had to do it twice for it to do a complete scan. I would recommend a pause feature for recuva, it would likely solve a host of problems similar to this one.
That said, I am now having some problems with the drive and I'm coming to the conclusion that it isn't driver related and instead just a drive failure sign. Large read-writes work fine, but lots of little reads (like indexing or when you run recovery software) slows the drive to a stop.
I've completely formatted and am reinstalling windows just to check that that doesn't fix it. I'll post back with more info.
Please don't post the name of competition products, I've edited the previous post to remove program's proper name