Hello folks. Happy New Year and thank you for an incredible product.
I'm writing a novel and (through careless file handling on my part) accidentally erased a huge portion of my work. To make matters worse, I installed the new Microsoft Office suite before I realized it was deleted. I talked to every service rep Microsoft has between here and Bombay, I contacted local computer service companies, and even friends who know tech troubleshooting far better than I. Final word from all: it's gone.
I love and use your other products and while I was downloading the new CCleaner, I noticed Recuva. What the heck, I thought. It took a little juggling around and trying to open with different programs, but eventually, I hit gold. I couldn't believe it when the words I thought I'd lost appeared once again on the screen.
My daughter says this happened because 1-1-11 is a lucky day when your wishes come true. I say finding Recuva was all the luck I needed. Thank you for creating such superb products. I am out of work now, but will certainly upgrade to the full products when things even out for me.
Wishing you success in 2011.