Recuva Hangs

Recuva hangs after a while during either searching for files or recovering.

If I cancel, it keeps saying canceling and locks up the hard drive.

I use 1.52.

Can you give a lot more info please such as operating system you have, what you are searching for, how you have done the Recuva settings and is there a particular file it hangs at.

I use Windows 7 64-bit.

It hangs after like 2 minutes after either searching or recovering.

If I click cancel it just keeps saying canceling.

If I kill from the task manager, it takes like 10 minutes to shut down.

Also,, it seems like it hangs when it runs into certain files.

If I try to recover other files than the ones that hang, it works.

If I try to even recover one file that causes freeze, recuba first indicates it'l take few second to recover, then keeps changing to 1 day or more in few seconds.

sounds like those files may live on a sector that has gone bad.

scan the disk for errors.

sounds like those files may live on a sector that has gone bad.

scan the disk for errors.

This was my thought too

What should I use to check the disk for error?


Is there way fore Recuva to skip those files automatically, so it doesn't hang?

What should I use to check the disk for error?


start a command prompt and type chkdsk c: /r

you may only need the /f switch which fixes most errors but by the sounds of it, maybe going straight to the /r which tries to recover data from bad sectors would be required.

change c: for whatever drive letter you want scanned.

You will have to run the command prompt as admin on Win 7.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Even after chkdsk /r, Recuva hangs.

Even if I try to recover one file that causes the freeze, it takes like 15 minutes for me to cancel. Why can't Recuva abort the process right away when I cancel?

what did the report at the end of the CHKDSK process say - any problems found/fixed?

how are you cancelling Recuva? have you tried killing the process from Task Manager?

now big are the files that cause it to hang?

have you tried running Recuva with the PC in Safe Mode?

chkdsk says no error is found, but indicates there are in deed little bit of bad sector like 500k.

As mentioned in previous post, I can’t even kill the recuva process from the task manager.

Also, the files trying to recover are not big like 10-20mb.

my Recuva it's stuck what should I do?

are you having the same problem as @funky2015?

what are your specs?

what have you tried?

more info = better help.

if your issue is different to @funky2015, you can start your own thread so as to 1) get help more directed to your issue and 2) not to muddy the waters for this thread.