more than 400 files .avi, different sizes between 800Meg and 3 GB,
all under 1057 meg ok recovered
all over this size cutted at 1057 (see .gif)
more than 400 files .avi, different sizes between 800Meg and 3 GB,
all under 1057 meg ok recovered
all over this size cutted at 1057 (see .gif)
more than 400 files .avi, different sizes between 800Meg and 3 GB,all under 1057 meg ok recovered
all over this size cutted at 1057 (see .gif)
I have much the same problem, I have recovered several AVIs all the shorter ones are fine but anything longer than 1.04gb is both truncated and has duplicated parts of the AVI inside the file. These files will open in Videostudio 11 but can not be resaved as VS gives a read error.
I have tried a deep scan with no difference to the recovery. Does anyone have any ideas how I might recover these larger files and/or overcome the duplication within the files.
To clarify - all AVIs were on my second disc in their own directory. This disc is kept as backup bootable disc, when ever I update my boot disc I take a Acronis Drive Image of it and then restore that image to my second disc - I have just done that having forgotten that I had temporarily stored 3 months worth of edited AVIs in a separate directory on that disc.
A fix for this issue will be included in the next release