Hi. I have been working on this all day now, and I did go through the forum and didn't find any existing conversations that match what I am struggling with yet, so if I missed it I do apologize.
I am trying to recover image files from a CF card. I finally found a USB card reader to borrow(Verbatim 15-in-1), and it is able to see it (assigned it as G)
Every time I try to access the card, it says it needs to be formatted, and every time I do a scan with recuva, it says:
'Failed to scan the following drives:
G:: Unable to determine file system type’.
I tried to do just a quick format, and it won’t let me, it then says:
‘Windows was unable to complete the format’.
There are not a lot of files- maybe 30 on a 2 GB CF.
We took photos of the supermoon/ eclipse. At first, we thought maybe they were accidentally deleted, now we think Panda may have been doing a scan and corrupted it; but either way nothing I try has worked
As soon as we found out the images were lost, we have not taken any photos on it or anything. I have not even attempted to do a recovery until today with the USB reader.
Thanks for your help!