Recuva doesn't find all lost files

Recuva find on a USB key 9773 file to recover but other recovery app's as disk drill or easeUS recovery find 13993 file to recover ? question WHY the difference.

Help me to recover all files Pls

This is not unusual or unexpected. Different file recovery programs use different methods to try to locate your files, so it's expected that some programs will work better in a particular recovery situation than others. (This is why it's a good thing that there's lots of options here, to meet the needs of as many recovery situations as possible.)

With that in mind, Recuva does hide certain files that would not likely be useful to recover - it's possible this may be some or all of the difference.

You can try checking each of the scanning items (other than Deep Scan - in the cases where this is needed, it's typically easier to enable this from the Wizard) in the Actions tab of the Options, as described here: - this will prevent Recuva from filtering out any files. You can access the Options by cancelling the Wizard, or by clicking 'Switch to Advanced Mode' in the search results, then click Options.

Regarding when Deep Scan might be useful, please view:

Finally, this article may provide additional information:

Thak's for answering