Recuva crashes on Deep scan

:blink: I have a problem with the Deep Scan option of Recuva, in that it causes the program to stop working. I am using a Vista home operating system, on a user account with admin rights.

A Microsoft Windows error message is displayed - " Recuva has stopped working. A problem has caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available

Recuva works fine when the 'deep scan' mode is not chosen.

I have opened Recuva in the debug mode and copied and pasted what I think is the error log below.

[2008-04-22 11:31:48] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.13.304

[2008-04-22 11:31:48] [iNFO ] System Info: MS Windows Vista SP1, Intel Core2 CPU 4400 @ 2.00GHz, 1.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS

[2008-04-22 11:31:55] [iNFO ] No update available

[2008-04-22 11:34:00] [iNFO ] Boot sector:










[2008-04-22 11:34:00] [iNFO ] Reading MFT

[2008-04-22 11:34:00] [iNFO ] Reading files

Yes ladies and gentlemen. It makes no sense to me either :huh:

Can anyone shed a light on this problam?

I think that the deep scan is a little flaky at the moment. I've just run a deep scan up to 1% and cancelled it, then set Recuva back to no deep scan, and it failed in stage 2 and went into not responding mode. Cancelled it and reran OK.

There must be more than two users playing with this, no?

We're looking into this now. Augeas, can you post a log too.



Can you also pm me with any .dmp files that are created in the installed folder.

I've just used the 'Deep Scan' on my 1GB XD-PictureCard. It took around 10 minutes, but it works OK.

It just doesn't work with my C Hard drive. I've tried beta versions 1.13.307 and 1.13.308 and still no luck. V1.13.308 froze completely and after an hour of 0% progress I cancelled the program.

I've tried to use Recuva on a non-admin user account and still no joy.

Any joy out there?

Now why didn't I think of that? I've deep scanned a 512 mb flash drive with no probs in around 30 secs, found another 160 files. Nothing interesting though!