Recuva can't find the path specified

Trying Recuva for first time. Program acknowledges drives available (C: & Floppy A:) Drive C: selected but,

Program "can't find the path specified" Does not seem to Scan anything. I'm NEW to Piriform and the Forum. Thanks

Just learned how to get the Error Log. Here's that info:

[2008-02-25 16:47:00] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.10.223

[2008-02-25 16:47:00] [iNFO ] System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, , 256MB RAM, NVIDIA RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro (Microsoft Corporation)

[2008-02-25 16:47:09] [iNFO ] No update available

[2008-02-25 16:47:24] [ERROR] The system cannot find the path specified.


Trying Recuva for first time. Program acknowledges drives available (C: & Floppy A:) Drive C: selected but,

Program "can't find the path specified" Does not seem to Scan anything. I'm NEW to Piriform and the Forum. Thanks

Just learned how to get the Error Log. Here's that info:

[2008-02-25 16:47:00] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.10.223

[2008-02-25 16:47:00] [iNFO ] System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, , 256MB RAM, NVIDIA RIVA TNT2/TNT2 Pro (Microsoft Corporation)

[2008-02-25 16:47:09] [iNFO ] No update available

[2008-02-25 16:47:24] [ERROR] The system cannot find the path specified.


Hey RetiredBob,

You moved quickly around the forum and that's great to see.

Similar problems were reported in Recuva v1.10.223 .

Try downloading the newest version that came out today.Recuva v1.11.257

You are a quick learner.

Thanks for your report,

:) davey

Hey RetiredBob,

You moved quickly around the forum and that's great to see.

Similar problems were reported in Recuva v1.10.223 .

Try downloading the newest version that came out today.Recuva v1.11.257

You are a quick learner.

Thanks for your report,

:) davey

I downloaded and installed v1.11.257 & ran with the same errors. Thanks for the suggestion though........

I downloaded and installed v1.11.257 & ran with the same errors. Thanks for the suggestion though........

As thorough as you have been, you probably know you aren't alone with this problem.

Your help is needed.

Can you provide "snapshots" of your My Computer window with the folders tree displayed on the left.?

Also of your Local Disk (C:) properties window General tab and Hardware tab?

Scratch out any personal info.MrRon and his team can probably use this info.

Too bad they don't show what the path specified is in the error log.Maybe they will change that.

Thanks for your help,

:) davey Just another member like you.

P.S. MrRon posted this on another thread about same problem you are having.Give it a try first.

As thorough as you have been, you probably know you aren't alone with this problem.

Your help is needed.

Can you provide "snapshots" of your My Computer window with the folders tree displayed on the left.?

Also of your Local Disk (C:) properties window General tab and Hardware tab?

Scratch out any personal info.MrRon and his team can probably use this info.

Too bad they don't show what the path specified is in the error log.Maybe they will change that.

Thanks for your help,

:) davey Just another member like you.

P.S. MrRon posted this on another thread about same problem you are having.Give it a try first.

Davey & Mr. Ron,

Hey, PROBLEM SOLVED. I had a program called "Folder Lock" on my hard drive. Although it wasn't active, apparently

it does something with regard to deleted files or even the C: drive making them inaccessible. Perhaps that's how it works. UN-installing "Folder Lock" solved the issue. Wahooooooooo!


Davey & Mr. Ron,

Hey, PROBLEM SOLVED. I had a program called "Folder Lock" on my hard drive. Although it wasn't active, apparently

it does something with regard to deleted files or even the C: drive making them inaccessible. Perhaps that's how it works. UN-installing "Folder Lock" solved the issue. Wahooooooooo!


Hi RetiredBob,

Good for You and good for all of us.

Although the program "Folder Lock" was not "active" it's effects were active.It was preventing access to your Drive.

This info will be of help to advise other users with similar problems.

Thanks for your reply.

:) davey