I was testing out Recuva by recording some 2-5 minutes wma files and then deleting them from a folder, into the recycle bin and then deleting from that. I run recuva recycle bin search and nothing comes up.
I do make note before deletion of the file size and the date created (last modified)
Recuva writes files on startup: it writes a test file to the c disk and Windows writes a prefetchfile etc). So if you're doing this sort of testing boot up Recuva and run a scan before you do the create/delete stuff, and then scan again to see the deleted files.
Files sent to the recycler are renamed by Windows, so may be under another name when Recuva runs (although on the rare times I delete anything via the recycler they always show under their original names).
Thank you. I tried this out and it works. However these audio files only are findable for about a day or two before they get removed/overwritten. Is this normal?
Yes. Any deleted file can be overwritten anytime. As newly created files use the first free record in the Master File Table, if they are deleted then that record is likely to be overwritten quite quickly by another new file.