Ich habe irrtümlich Dateien (*.jpg) einschließlich der Unterverzeichnisse gelöscht. Ich konnte sie mit Recuva 154 wie im Original einschließlich der Unterverzeichnisse wieder herstellen. Es wird mir nun angezeigt, dass die Dateiheader in sämtlichen Dateien fehlen. Deshalb können sämtliche Fotos nicht angezeigt werden. Ist es sinnvoll das Programm zu kaufen und wenn ja in welcher Version? - können dann die Dateiheader wieder hergestellt werden?
Google Translate:
I accidentally deleted files (*.jpg) including the subdirectories. I was able to restore them as they were originally, including the subdirectories, using Recuva 154. It now says that the file headers are missing in all files. This is why none of the photos can be displayed. Does it make sense to buy the program and if so, which version? - can the file headers then be restored?
Buying Recuva Pro will make no difference, it’s the same recovery as the free version.
You may be able to fix your files simply by using a particular image viewer.
Users have found that often Irfanview can open such incomplete (or damaged) files.
Irfanview is much more tolerant than most viewers are about opening slightly damaged image files.
If Irfanview can open them then saving them again from Irfanview fixes the files so that other viewers can then open them too.
PS. If Irfanview won’t simply open them as they are then there are other ways to try and fix them.
One way is to convert the file fromat from jpg to another image format.
Irfanview can do that too (even on images that won’t open) using it’s ‘Batch Conversion/Rename’ tool in the ‘File’ menu.
If you have to try that then make a copy of the damaged files first and work on the copy, that way if you mess something up you still have the original so can make another copy and try again…