recovery not successful

Hello. I tried Recuva for the first time today. After running the scan, I see lots of preview images, and lots of "preview unavailable." When I selected some files and clicked recover, the message I received was "incorrect function." I was attempting to save them to a DVD-R. Please tell me if there is anything I need to do differently or if this program is just unable to help me. Thanks.

to save something to DVD it must first be moved onto another spot on the system drive. When you save files to DVD it doesn't save them to the DVD as it would a second drive or a floppy it puts them into a folder which when you press burn to CD/DVD it then puts them on the disc all at once.

You should not recover to DVD/CD as you are probably doing writes to the drive you are recovering from which then makes it less likely to be able to recover files.

attach another hard drive or a flash drive to the computer and write to that. You can get an 8GB USB flash drive for under $20 at wallyworld (and similar prices elsewhere)

Also it's better to look at the red/yellow/green circles as well as the preview. If it can't preview it's more than likly unrecoverable, but you can try, if the circle is red is ~98% unlikly you will be able to recover