i have used the recuva software to scan and retrieve my documents from a formatted hard drive, but now all of the documents are not opening, word/excel/pdf all of them. pls any idea on what to do?
i have used the recuva software to scan and retrieve my documents from a formatted hard drive, but now all of the documents are not opening, word/excel/pdf all of them. pls any idea on what to do?
Hi olamide, and welcome to Piriform.
I'm afraid sometimes files are just not recovered intact although they may appear to be so.
Was the drive fully formatted or just given a "Quick Format"?
If the quick type, did you select "Scan for non deleted files" in "Options\Actions"? In fact try checking all boxes on that page.
Are the files the ones you were looking for, with the right size and file extension?
Finally, if any of the files were .xml type files, it is possible, apparently, to repair them ...
Sorry I couldn't be more positive, but others may have different suggestions.