Unless the drive gets a letter assigned to it, Recuva won't see it.
My apologies for shouting - I was excited by finding a way around the generally accepted restriction of needing a letter.
I have just plugged in a 1 GB Flash Drive D:\, FAT format.
Using Windows Disk Management I removed its drive letter D:\.
My Flash Drive is now in a worse condition than the Kindle - Windows Explorer cannot even see my Flash Drive.
I now use Windows Disk Management to "Change Drive letter and paths..." option "Add"
and then click "Mount in the following empty NTFS folder" and then the "Browse" button,
I then browse to I:\Test and click the "New Folder" button and create "Drive_D" click OK then OK
Now I can launch Recuva, use "All Files" and Next
select "In a specifc location" and then browse to C:\Test\Drive_D
and now Recuva can retrieve the files on my "letterless" flash drive.
This works on a normal Flash Drive
If Kindle has no drive letter but CAN be seen by Windows Explorer,
then Windows Disk Management should also be aware of it,
and MIGHT have the capability of adding a drive letter,
failing which it MIGHT have the capability of "Mount in the following empty NTFS folder".
When you have finished ( or failed ) recovery I suggest that you undo changes to your system thus :-
Close Recuva (and anything else that might be using C:\Test\Drive_D)
Use Windows Disk Management to "Change Drive letter and paths..." option "Remove"
Use Windows Disk Management to "EJECT" the Kindle
Unplug the Kindle
Use Windows Explorer to delete the residual short-cut folder "Drive_D" located at C:\Test\