Recovering video files

I have a Samsung video camera and accidently erased all the video files. I used Recuva to undelete and it seemed to do an excellent job of recovering. However, the video files cannot be opened by any software I have. I think I have all the video players possible. In the recovery process, there were 2 files for each video, one with a .MP4 extension and one with the .LIK extension. Any help with this would be appreciated.

Hi commandchief, and welcome to the forum.

If your video files are carrying the correct extension, and size (have you checked that), I can't think offhand why they won't be opening other than they haven't recovered intact.

MP4 is a "container" for a separate audio and video file, and either or both could have a slight problem.

Did you recover the video files from the camera or computer and save them to another location?

Your "undelete" comment, although probably just that, worries me that you may have restored to the same location you were recovering from.

The second file recovered with the videos will probably be a "thumbnail" type file which the camera produces with each video to enable it to be displayed within the camera, and is not needed to play the videos out of the camera.

I don't recognize the file extension .LIK but it will be unique to the camera probably, like my Cannon produces .THM thumbnail images with each video.

You don't say which media players you've tried but maybe have a go with "MPC - Home Cinema", which I know from personal use will open just about anything, and this is a link to a portable version which doesn't have to be installed ...
