Recovering data from damaged SD card

I have been using a new mobile phone (Samsung Galaxy S3 mini) for just over 2 weeks with a new SD card without any trouble. However, following a reboot yesterday morning, the phone reported the SD card to be damaged and it would not mount.

Some people report on the internet that this can happen even when the cards are not damaged, but I have tried removing the card and re-seating it several times and it still won't mount. So I conclude that it really may be damaged and I have therefore used Recova to see if I can recover any of the photos and videos that i have recorded.

I have removed the SD card from the phone and plugged it into my PC with a USB card reader. My PC recognises that something is plugged in, and gives it a drive letter, but displays no properties of the drive. It also won't browse the drive.

In advanced mode default scanning, recova found zero files, but ignored 119.

I therefore tried a "Scan for non-deleted files" that took several hours to complete. Now, 1851 files were found, but still 119 were ignored. Using the Recova filters, none of the 1851 files are videos or photos. And none of the files have filenames that look like what I'm looking for.

But, some of the files have a comment which reads: "This file is overwritten with [filepath\filename.jpg or .MP4]" and these files appear to be the ones I want to find.

How can I find the files I want? I am unsure how many videos and photos I took in the last 2 weeks, but 119 may be about the correct number.

Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to offer.

Update: I've now completed a deep scan over night and the results appear the same as "Scan for non-deleted files" (1851 files found and 119 ignored).

If Recova knows that some files were overwritten by the ones I actually want, why does it not show them to me?

I'm sure @welland99 has moved on by now.

his last post was 17 motnhs ago. he last signed in Sept '14.