Recovering a file off my LS10 Olympus Notetaker


About 8 to 10 months ago I had a bit of a glitch when I uploaded (via a USB connection) some files to my Mac off my Notetaker (2 Gigs) The long and the short of it was in all the cofuffle I forgot to eject the drive properly and ended up with one corrupted/wiped file on my notetaker as well as the Mac. The (unintuitive) filename showed up, in the Finder as normal but had 0 kbs.

I thought oh well thats gone forever, and that was that. I left it for a while then as I needed the room on my notetaker, I deleted this file along with others. I'm not sure if I have this file backed up anywhere on my Mac until I check. Recently I reformatted the Notetaker coz I was getting some glitchiness in that downloaded files to the notetaker were either downloading in the wrong order AND/OR just stopping in the middle of playing a Folder.

I dont think Recuva has the ability to recover off a pen drive or the like so Ive posted here as its more a general hardware question. Anyone got any advice on whether this might be recoverable either from the Olympus AND/OR the Mac with the appropriate software?



You never know Musical

Ahhh thankyou Hazelnut, that link says I CAN use Recuva.

Heres an update....

I looked tonight and I have a backup on a DVD. Now, I found theres actually 2 files not one that wont produce sound. I can activate them from the Finder and they will still play. Theyre MP3 files. One is about 30 minutes long and the other 1hr30minutes. They also both show their file sizes which are quite large.

Also within the olympus folders that show up theres some .dat files that are there. I get the feeling I might be able to get these files back. One is called recovery! Now I wonder how I might actually do this, as the file is already there and showing and so in a way is already recovered.

Any ideas?

