Recovered my files, nothing will read them.

So, I used Recuva on a corrupted usb to recover images. I had to format it but in the end it looked like I was going to get the files. I did a deep scan and recovered everything just to be safe. However nothing can actually read any of the files, telling me it is either missing, corrupted, etc (The computer, photoshop, or Irfan). Am I just missing something important?

more info will help others help you.

OS version?

USB device?

how were the files lost?

device usage since files being lost?

what sort of format was done?

recovered files to where?

more info will help others help you.

OS version?

USB device?

how were the files lost?

device usage since files being lost?

what sort of format was done?

recovered files to where?

Windows 7

1gb thumb drive

The drive got corrupted when my gf took it out of my mac computer before it fully ejected to put it into her windows 8 laptop. I had to format the drive in order for it to be read.

There was no device usage after it got corrupted, I used recuva right after.

It was a quick format.

I recovered the files to an empty folder on my (pc: w7) desktop.

was the USB stick formatted (originally) for the Mac or for Windows?

if Mac, was it Standard or Extended?

I assume it was then Quick Formatted with NTFS for Recuva for Windows.