Recovered JPG not showing

I recovered a series of JPG's onto a USB stick which show as the Windows 8 photo icon. The recovered photo does not open when I double click these icons - I only get a black window with the file reference showing top left corner. Any help is appreciated as I wiped the photos from my recycle bin after loading to a SanDisk card which proved to be faulty...Thanks

Have you tried opening them using a different graphics viewer such as Irfan view?

Read faq's for direct download links.

Thanks Hazlenut. I've downloaded Irfanview but am still having problems. When I try to open the recovered file using Irfanview I get a 'Decode error' notice - 'JPEG datastream contains no image'. Any advice?


I really don't know where to go from here. Hopefully someone else may offer some advice.

In the mean time, and to let you know you are not alone with this, read one mans attempt to view his corrupt jpegs with other users comments at the bottom.

I recovered a series of JPG's onto a USB stick which show as the Windows 8 photo icon. The recovered photo does not open when I double click these icons - I only get a black window with the file reference showing top left corner. Any help is appreciated as I wiped the photos from my recycle bin after loading to a SanDisk card which proved to be faulty...Thanks

OK.... so you're trying to open jpegs on a flash drive? You used Recuva to recover them to the flash drive from the SanDisk card or your hdd? Does wiped the recycler mean emptied, or something else? Did you run Recuva normal or deep scan? Did you find the jpegs you recovered under their original names? Are they approximately the expected size?

Good find Hazel, as indeed is this especially if you want to know how jpegs are constructed (in a very complicated way, apparently. Why on earth would anyone create 8x8 groups of pixels and then Huffman code them? ).

The messages coming from the attempted reads aren't very encouraging. If you run Jpegsnoop against them it might tell you if there's anything in them, but if there is they still have to be fixed.

Possibly your best chance is to try recovery from hdd, but there's no guarantee they are still there now.

(I'm moving this to Recuva discussion, as it isn't a bug.)