recovered files ext. HDD give the message data error cyclic redundantie check

Good morning,
I signed up on this forum because I have a problem with, most of the files that I was able to find through Recuva, giving an error message.
These are photo files of my recently deceased parents that were stored on a HDD.
I had Recuva scan the disk and more than 95% were found. The scan overview includes. date last x modified, the size and state files. That was all right and they were in great shape. Still, when I try to restore most of them, I get the error message; Data
error (cyclic redundancy check) Who can help me and / or give tips to solve this because it is precisely those important photo files that give that error message.
Sorry for my poor English, but after more than 31 hours of continuous searching for the solution, fatigue and sleep start to get the upper hand.
Hopefully someone has a solution when I get back to my computer in a few hours.
Thanks in advance
						<div style="padding:8px 5px;">
							<span style="color:#333333;font-size:.9em;padding:0px;"><span> </span>Kopiƫren</span><span> </span><span style="color:#333333;font-size:.9em;padding:0px;"><span> </span>Versturen</span>

A CRC error indicates that the data is damaged in a way that the computer can detect but not correct.

Unfortunately, that's not something Recuva can help with. It can recover the data exactly as it's written on the drive, including any errors that are present, but it can't repair those errors.

You might be able to use a program like IrfanView, available here: to open the damaged files.

It is, however, most likely that this error is telling you that these files are damaged beyond recovery. It is possible that a professional recovery firm may be able to recover more of the data, but even that's not a certainty either. I wish I had better news to offer you on this matter, or a sure-fire repair process - I would have certainly done so if there was one.