Recovered after delete not over written

I deleted a load of videos and pictures from my SSD in NTFS format (only used for data not O/S), then I emptied the recycle bin. However I saw what I did and used this software straight away, no other files were added to the drive after the delete or altered.

Recuva finds the files with ease, all in their folders and the exact same file sizes, but none of them will open. What am I doing wrong, must be something as not one file has recovered correctly, please help!

You're not doing anything wrong. With TRIM, which I would expect most O/S and drives have now, deleted clusters on an SSD are immediately mapped to a default zeroed cluster. The deleted data cannot be recovered by any means. Recuva will find the deleted file names and cluster addresses in the MFT, but the data has gone forever. If you look at the Recuva Info pane in Advanced Mode then the headers will contain zeroes. Unfortunately nothing and no-one can retrieve it.

Ok thanks for putting that to bed for me, now trying to recover from a spun drive the files were on a couple years ago, not holding out much hope they haven't been written on.