Recover override file by laptop? Possible?


My file was being override by my new laptop back-up due to the same file name. I was unable to get back my file except 100 photos with the free version, does the purchase software helps? I don't know if I should purchase the software.

Do you have any way or solution for me to get back my school stuff and pictures. It was a 1 TB external hard disk.

Please help! Thank you!!!

Purchase of the Professional License gets direct support from the developers,

but there is no change in the capabilities of the software.

no purchase will not change the result, instead what you need to do is recover the data to a second drive (buy a 8 dollar 16gb memory stick if you need to)

why are you attempting to recover a file that still exists and thus (seemingly) wouldn't need to be recovered.

no purchase will not change the result, instead what you need to do is recover the data to a second drive (buy a 8 dollar 16gb memory stick if you need to)

why are you attempting to recover a file that still exists and thus (seemingly) wouldn't need to be recovered.

What do you mean by it still exist when I don't sees it? How to recover to a second drive?

A deleted file still exists - but you cannot see it because Windows wont allow you to see it.

Until the deleted file is erased or wiped or over-written you may be able to retrieve it.

What is your operating system ?

What is your backup software that replaced your file ?

Is your lost file actually a Folder containing 100 photos,

or is it a *.ZIP file.

I am surprised that backup software would destroy without warning an existing file/folder - time to consider alternatives.

It is possible that what you have lost is actually relocated or hidden.

It would be worth trying something like Locate32 to search for what Windows hides

please before going with Alan's answer. I simply mean, if the recovered file is trying to overwrite something, then the something being overwritten must still be in place (else there would be nothing to overwrite).

You need to restore the files to a separate piece of hardware (drive, flash-drive etc).

My file was being override by my new laptop back-up due to the same file name

please before going with Alan's answer. I simply mean, if the recovered file is trying to overwrite something, then the something being overwritten must still be in place (else there would be nothing to overwrite).

You need to restore the files to a separate piece of hardware (drive, flash-drive etc).

How do I restore into another file? Any steps to be done?

A deleted file still exists - but you cannot see it because Windows wont allow you to see it.

Until the deleted file is erased or wiped or over-written you may be able to retrieve it.

What is your operating system ?

What is your backup software that replaced your file ?

Is your lost file actually a Folder containing 100 photos,

or is it a *.ZIP file.

I am surprised that backup software would destroy without warning an existing file/folder - time to consider alternatives.

It is possible that what you have lost is actually relocated or hidden.

It would be worth trying something like Locate32 to search for what Windows hides

The back up software was just window's backup. It is not a zip file, my file contains picture, document, music and songs. I only manage to get back 100 photos from the free version.

There are different types of Windows Backup

What is your operating system - Windows 7 or Windows 8 or what ?


What was the exact filename and extension of :-

The Windows Backup that did the damage and

Your "file contains picture, document, music and songs"


FOLDERS are able to "contains picture, document, music and songs"

FILES are generally not capable unless they are specialised compressed archive files such as ZIP/RAR/ etc.

It's window 8 back up,

The backup file created was my file Eileen and the file which contains my picture, document, music and songs are also in my file called Eileen. The window back up over ride my file which contains picture, document, music and songs. As for the back up, it contains nothing much because it was a new laptop.

So nothing could be done because I did not zip my file?

So nothing could be done because I did not zip my file?

Not at all.

This is an entity and its path


ccsetup400 could be a normal FILE or a normal FOLDER.

It is actually a file and the full name includes the extension ZIP, i.e.

By default Windows 7 will Hide extensions for known file types

I am quite certain that Windows 8 is similarly crippled and that you actually have two different entities which have the same name but a different extension.

Your Backup was either a Folder named "Eileen" or an archive file with an extension such as "".

Your Windows 8 backup may have an extension.

I think there is a very good chance that :-

Your original EILEEN container of photos, videos etc is still present but Windows 8 is hiding it from you,

and Recuva has merely rescued REDUNDANT temporary backups that were created as you edited / added / organised your "EILEEN" container.

A simple search of your computer for "Eileen" might find what you need.

A search tool that might help you is

UltraFileSearch Lite Portable V. 32 January 2013 ZIP 1.30 MB Free Download



Those who use Windows 8 can advise you upon how to make Windows Explorer show you file extensions.

If the file from recuva states unrecoverable, overwrite. Is there other software I can use to get it back?

unlikely, however each recovery program has its own algorithms so (a hair's width chance) that another might do.

Recuva's pretty good. There are semi-pro level tools that cost about $100.00, and some will let you recover a small amount as a test before you buy. You'd have to conduct your own search online, as I typically don't endorse any products.

Consider, though, if a file has been overwritten not even ultra-pro $5,000 tools can do anything.

Consider, though, if a file has been overwritten not even ultra-pro $5,000 tools can do anything.

Correct - despite what you may have seen on NCIS, CSI and Hollywood movies. :(

If the file from recuva states unrecoverable, overwrite. Is there other software I can use to get it back?

I can absolutely guarantee the possibility that when

"recuva states unrecoverable, overwrite."

it could be referring to remnants of ANCIENT files that you do not want because you relocated/moved/re-organised/deleted/replaced/edited in the past.

Recuva could have been telling you the same thing WHILST you had access to your CURRENT photos BEFORE your disaster.

You possibly have no need to use Recuva or any other recovery tools if you act on advice in posts #12 and #11.

Otherwise there are alternative recovery tools, some of which are better than others,

Consider, though, if a file has been overwritten not even ultra-pro $5,000 tools can do anything.

That depends upon your definitions of :-



If a large file has been considered to be part of "free space",

and some sectors in part of that "free space" have been written to as part of a new file,

ultra-pro $5,000 tools may be unable to retrieve the data previously held in those sectors,

but may still be able to retrieve other parts of the original file, and those parts may be useful in securing a conviction :o

In some cases all that's needed are a sector or two. In this case, these are .jpg files and all sectors are needed. 1 missing byte out of a .jpg file is enough to render the image scrambled from an arbitrary point onwards.