recover from the Recycle Bin

Hi I just deleted several .rar files from the Recycle Bin using CCleaner.... I then used Recuva to recover them, the problem is that Recuva found them but they area all 544 byte files, and if I select to recover them, Recuva asks for a folder to recover them into, but the recycle bin is not an option, so the files go into a new folder, but they are useless as they are not the "real" files.

Is there a way to recover them?

Another thing is that they all have weird names, not their real names, I only now they are my files cause of the modified date and time.

Please help me, what should I do?

Windows renames files 'sent' to the recycler, in Vista and 7 to $Innnn and $Rnnnn. The $Innnn is an index file, the $Rnnnn the actual file. You should try to recover the $Rnnnn file to a holding folder, then you can rename tham back to the original and copy them to their proper folder.

In XP their names are $DCnnnn I think - all this is from memory. My memory, that is. Oh yes, they all should have the proper extension type tacked on the end of their names.

Although the files had been moved to the recycle bin and delete it's possible the original deleted entries still point to the same clusters.

Therefore try and see if you can undelete your files from their original location rather than using the recycle bin location.

Richard S.