Hi I just deleted several .rar files from the Recycle Bin using CCleaner.... I then used Recuva to recover them, the problem is that Recuva found them but they area all 544 byte files, and if I select to recover them, Recuva asks for a folder to recover them into, but the recycle bin is not an option, so the files go into a new folder, but they are useless as they are not the "real" files.
Is there a way to recover them?
Another thing is that they all have weird names, not their real names, I only now they are my files cause of the modified date and time.
Windows renames files 'sent' to the recycler, in Vista and 7 to $Innnn and $Rnnnn. The $Innnn is an index file, the $Rnnnn the actual file. You should try to recover the $Rnnnn file to a holding folder, then you can rename tham back to the original and copy them to their proper folder.
In XP their names are $DCnnnn I think - all this is from memory. My memory, that is. Oh yes, they all should have the proper extension type tacked on the end of their names.